Blogging, Memes, Words, Writing

Six Word Stories and More Too

I need to write something today. Just about anything will do actually. Be it one line or more. Something to make me feel writerly. To have some writing for today! Maybe try writing six word stories?

Then I recalled what happened yesterday. It kind of made sense in perspective. It’s Friday the thirteenth after all!! I am just kidding here though. Nothing thirteenthish happened at all really. It was an absolutely normal day. Just like any other regular day. Woke up, did things, and slept!

Six Word Stories: The First Part

I am finally done with proctoring; and not in a bad way. Simply that it is done now. Maybe you’re wondering what I mean? I’m talking about the AP exams. Those Advanced Placement tests, you see; the ones kids prepare for annually. It’s been too long for me; since I wrote exams, I mean. On second thoughts, wrote them recently; but memory is shorter, it seems!

Anyways, back to the AP exams. Made me appreciate teachers some more; lots more than I already do. Proctoring a few exams tired me; tired me so much in fact. It made me wonder and think. How do teachers do it everyday?

On the other hand, it’s satisfying. Kind of rewarding in a way. We do get paid for this; but the rewards are not monetary. This made me understand somethings better; why teachers do what they do; why my teens work so hard; other whys I hadn’t realized before.

Some students are calm, cool, confident; yet others flustered, worried, jittery. And many somewhere in between. It made me recall those dreams. Dreams almost everyone seems to have; of being in an exam hall unprepared; even totally unaware of the exam! It also made me recall other things; hours of studying, burning midnight oil; wondering how I did right after; anxiously waiting for the exam results; and so many more similar things.

Once again, back to AP exams. For those who are not sure; the full form is Advanced Placement; and these are for college-level curricula. High school students take these exams; they do so for course credits; that is, credits for college courses. They can then skip those classes; if they so choose, that is.

The Hows and Whys of Proctoring

If you’re wondering about it; here’s how I ended up proctoring. Our school district requested for proctors. I filled out an online application; got a response, finished the requirements (this included fingerprinting, paperwork, training); and, well, ready to go proctor! It was as simple as that.

And proctoring itself is pretty straightforward. Many students taking the exams means more; more proctors that is, as well. I ended up doing two things; helped proctor large groups with others; and proctored small groups by myself. Small groups normally meant special accommodations. These are students needing something more; in my case, was additional time. And given I was unaware of this, it meant I learned something new.

Need to Stop Writing About This

Well, I’ve rambled quite a bit. So it is time to stop. And there, now, I am done.

Six Word Stories: Now I’m Done

But before I am truly done, here is a rose for you. This one is from my backyard; one of my favorite ones ever. I love the play of colors; how it transforms as it grows; it becomes an altogether different rose; but yet it is the same one.. Isn’t that how we all grow? Change, transform, fail, learn, change again. Grow into different versions of ourselves; hopefully an improved version, still us.

A rose is a wonderful thing!

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Now, the End of This Post

Linking this to Six Word Saturdays; which’s at Debbie’s Travel With Intent. An on-again, off-again meme for me. More often off than I’m on. But I do enjoy doing it. So whenever I can, I do! Here, I believe, is my first. Based on tags, 59 so far.

Did you see what I did? I mean, in this post today? Every sentence has exactly six words; or phrases with six words each! Even the titles for each heading. As well as those linked posts.

4 thoughts on “Six Word Stories and More Too

  1. I love this idea of six-word stories. I enjoyed reading yours about the rose! The style sounds like a really powerful quote.

  2. I haven’t heard of six word stories until now. It can definitely get your writing juices going in a short time. Sometimes I want to write but feel intimidated by the process. I will try a six word story!

  3. I remember taking AP classes in high school. I had forgotten about six word stories. Thank you for refreshing my memory.

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