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Sunday Scribblings #18: Where I Did Disappear, Again

The last time I wrote a similar post was two weeks ago. I definitely forgive myself for not writing last weekend as it was a crazy hectic weekend but after that, well, no excuses I can give, even to the laziest version of me. Reading was one thing I did disappear into for a bit, along with some Netflix!

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Last Week, When I Did Disappear

Well, to be honest, I did not write a single post the whole of last week. We did wind up the festival of Navaratri and all the dolls had to be packed up and put away; the house put back to its usual.

I am playing catch up however, and here is what I posted in that attempt.

What Is Happening

Based on the Literary Celebrations Calendar I put together earlier this year, this week was to be Teen Reads Week. But now I realize, this month is TeenTober! So here are a few teen reads for you to enjoy that I reviewed recently or am currently enjoying (review to come soon)

teentober teen reads always Where I Did Disappear Again

A Few Hand-Picked Teen Reads For You

hearts strings and other breakable things - a YA read that will pluck the strings of your heart

Hearts, Strings, and Other Breakable Things: I read and reviewed this adorbs read recently. And according to the description, a book that all those who loved ‘To all the Boys I’ve Loved Before’ will enjoy!

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six goodbyes we never said by candace ginger - a YA read that tugs at your heartstrings.

Six Goodbyes We Never Said – Another recent teen read which tugged at heartstrings. And don’t you just love the cover?

Goodreads || Amazon || Book Depository
Target|| Barnes and Noble

Dear Haiti, Love Alaina: This is one that is pending a read and a review. I have to admit – the gorgeous cover got to me first; and the title as well. Reading was in progress until I got waylaid with other stuff and then ended picking up other books (the ones above). Now I need to get back to tackling this one – it is comparatively a longer read.

Coming Up Next

Hopefully more reviews of all the amazing books I am reading, which include a few more teen and YA reads, coincidentally for TeenTober!

A Little Bit of Randomness

It was Mad Hatter Day last Sunday – you know the numbers on the Mad Hatter’s Hat – 10/6. And I did wonder, if I was in India, I would most likely celebrate this on the 10th of June, given the date format we use there!

Wrapping Up My Sunday Scribblings

So, there it was, a quick wrap up of this last week. As I continue posting for this month, I hope to introduce you to more wonderful reads; and glimpses of my writing and drawing attempts via my Inktober posts!

Linking this to the Sunday Post over at the Caffeinated Reviewer

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