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Technology And Poetry: Twenty Terrific Ways to Integrate Them

So the letter T tested me, had me twisting and turning my brain for a while. And finally I realized that technology is the answer; the very thing that enables me to share my poetic potpourri with you; and the one that allows me to interact with all of you by reading your comments and your wonderful blogs, and more. So here is my ‘T’ offering titled: Technology And Poetry: Twenty Terrific Ways to Integrate Them

With this post, I am sharing different websites and apps that I use and love, that are of course, to do with poetry. And as always, books about/around poetry featuring the letter T…

This post contains Amazon and other affiliate links, that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission. Please see the full disclosure for more information. I only recommend products I would (or have already) use myself.

Poetic Potpourri From AtoZ: Technology And Poetry: Twenty Terrific Ways to Integrate Them

Technology And Poetry: Twenty Terrific Ways to Integrate Them

The Internet: Ten Website and Blogs

These are all poetry related websites and blogs I frequently visit for inspiration and ideas. For any one of these places on the list, I might have ended up saying – This is one of my favorite poetry places to visit on the web! But when I realized I might end up saying the same about each one, I simply decided to put it up here and just provide a brief description of the website (mostly based on their own About Us descriptions) with a comment or so from my side

  1. The Poetry Foundation is the publisher of Poetry magazine; and is an independent literary organization committed to poetry. I often end up linking to this wonderful resource for sharing poems with all of you, and spending hours reading the poems I discover there as a result.
  2. The Academy of American Poets is a nonprofit that is member-supported and was created in New York in 1934. It fosters and celebrates poets and poetry through activities such as National Poetry Month, the Poem-a-Day series, magazines, various events, and resources for educators. In addition, it sponsors a portfolio of nine major poetry awards.
  3. The Poetry Archive is a non-profit organization that produces, acquires and preserves recordings of poets reading their own work out loud. And I can attest to how wonderful it is to listen to those readings!! They also have a parallel website for children’s poetry. In addition to readings of poems, they have interviews with poets, as well as resources to learn and teach poetry.
  4. The Library of Congress Poetry and Literature Program has a rich resource library; and it promotes poetry and literature year-round through various online and in-person programs, awards, and more. Through this website, we can join our poets laureate as they promote poetry across the nation, and the world.
  5. The Poetry Society of America is a literary organization founded in 1910 by poets, editors, and artists. It is the oldest poetry organization in the United States. Their Poetry in Motion program places poetry in transit systems of cities throughout the country, and if you have seen one, do let me know!!
  6. The Favorite Poem Project was founded in 1997 by Robert Pinsky shortly after he was appointed 39th Poet Laureate of the United States by the Library of Congress.  It is dedicated to celebrating, documenting and encouraging poetry’s role in our lives. You can listen to Americans across the nation share (and read out loud) their favorite poems. While the program is closed to new entries now, you are welcome to share your stories about your personal favorites via email.
  7. Poetry Out Loud is a national arts education program. It offers free educational materials as well as a dynamic recitation competition for high school students across the country. This year’s semifinals will be streamed live (on May 2, 2021). And you can watch previous student recitations on their YouTube channel
  8. The Haiku Society of America is a not-for-profit organization founded in 1968 by Harold G. Henderson and Leroy Kanterman to promote the writing and appreciation of haiku in English. So if you haiku, or want to, this is a wonderful place to spend some time.
  9. dVerse Poets Pub is one of my favorite places to spend time discovering new forms each week, and sharing my poetry with other wonderful poets. While I have not been an active participant of late, the Poets Pub certainly reignited my passion for poetry over the last few years. From their website: D’verse Poets Pub is a place for poets and writers to gather to celebrate poetry. We are many voices, but one song. Our goal is to celebrate; poets, verse & the difference it can make in the world.
  10. WritersDigest is a website I discovered because of poetry, and was thrilled to learn it has so much more. According to their website: Our mission is to help ignite writers’ creative vision and connect them with the community, education and resources they need to bring it to life. Every April brings with it the April PAD Challenge.

For Your Pocket Device: Ten Free Apps (for iOS)

  1. Instant Poetry 2 is like magnetic poetry, but on your phone.. While the paid version offers more options to create and edit poems, the free version is still cool and you can be assured of fun and creation with it.
  2. Poetizer. This is like social media for poetry; as their tag line says, Poetizer. Where poetry gets social. You can browse poems submitted by poets across the world and/or join the community and publish your poems; get feedback, be recognized, and be a part of the same. As of now, I am still browsing and reading on the app, and enjoying it.
  3. WordPalette is super cool! Wonderful to banish writer’s block of any sort with sliding lanes (or rather, a wall) of intuitively selected words that will keep you on your creative toes.
  4. Lyric Notepad, like the name says, will help the aspiring lyric writer come up with song lyrics, poetry, and rap!
  5. PortaPoet: While the name might sound weird, the app is super rich; you can browse poems, write and share your own with the PortaPoets, and even collaborate with others or do poetic battles with them (Bouts rimes?)
  6. Blackout Bard is like found poetry or blackout poetry you might have explored already; but now you can do it on the phone. The app provides random texts for you to play with, or you can use your own; and various options on how/what you want to blackout and highlight. Totally fun; and you never know what you might end up with (I didn’t)
  7. Mirakee is a very popular app for writers and poets. An online community where you can create, learn, discover, socialize, and more! I discovered it recently and thrilled with all it offers.
  8. Poet Assistant is another app for poets; like the name says, assists the poets as they write. Straightforward and simple, it includes a rhyming dictionary (you can pick the type of rhymes you want – exact or near rhymes), and also has a dictionary and thesaurus to help. And you can use it when offline too.
  9. Rhymer’s Block is another cool resource for lyrics and rap as well as poetry writers. With real-time rhyme suggestions, that notebook you need to keep handy for when ideas strike, color-coded rhymes to see things visually too, and a community as well, along with more, this is another resource-rich free app.
  10. MemoCoach is a little different from the others; it helps you memorize stuff. So if you want to perform your written poem or recite another one instead, this nifty app is one I know I am using to help myself

Today’s Books

Thinker: My Puppy Poet and Me

Book Info

Title: Thinker: My Puppy Poet and Me
Author: Eloise Greenfield,
Illustrator: Ehsan Abdollahi
Length: 32 pages
Genre: Children’s Nonfiction in Verse (7 – 10 years)
Publisher: Sourcebooks Jabberwocky (April 2nd 2019)
Source: Library copy

Description: A new collection of poetry for kids from Coretta Scott King Book Award winner Eloise Greenfield!

My Thoughts

So very wonderfully delightful / happy, witty, and thoughtful / where pets and humans both compose / lines and verse, or poems, not prose!

Well, I tried a lyrical review for this book.. as that was how it made me feel. I felt happy throughout, my face lit up with smiles, and it made me want to rhyme with joy! For example, the lines at the end of a poem where Thinker, the puppy, talks about meeting his twin (who lives across the street) during walks, and his twin “just waits and listens like a friend, / and barks a period at the end.” Both with and warmth right there in those two lines!!

Ehsan Abdollahi’s collage art is simply extraordinary! It provides that perfect complement to Greenfield’s wondrous words; and helps bring humor, emotion, and action to the narrative. The vivid colors are sure to appeal, and the artwork easily shows the diversity in Thinker and Jace’s community.

In Summary

For all who love Greenfield, pets, and/or rhyming poems that will make one smile!

Get It Here

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Technology And Poetry post's Book Feature 1: 
Thinker: My Puppy Poet and Me

Three Things I Know Are True

Book Info

Title: Three Things I Know Are True
Author: Betty Culley
Length: 480 pages
Genre: Teen and YA Novels in Verse ( 13 – 17 years, and up)
Publisher: HarperTeen; Reprint edition (January 12, 2021)
Source: Library copy

Description: This moving debut novel in verse about a teenage girl dealing with the aftermath of an accident that nearly takes her brother’s life is a stunning exploration of grief and the power of forgiveness.

My Thoughts

Don’t let the number of pages deter you; it is a read that will take you from start to end without you realizing you are done; and what an emotional roller-coaster of a journey you would have gone on as well in the process!!

Heartbreaking and heartwarming, haunting and hopeful – all at the same time; this book wrings those tears and those teary smiles; and makes you want to hold on to family (and friendships) tight.

In Summary

A beautiful beautiful tugging at heartstrings read.

Get It Here

Amazon  || Barnes and Noble || Book Depository || BookShop || IndieBound 

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Related Reads

And Now, the End of This Post

Dear reader, as always, and always, I welcome your thoughts and suggestions, as well as recommendations. Have you read the featured books or any similar reads? In what ways do you integrate technology and poetry? What are your favorite websites and apps to use for poetry? Do let me know.

The AtoZ Challenges

Linking to both the Blogging From A to Z April Challenge and the BlogchatterA2Z-2021 

You can find all my A2Z Challenge Posts here.

Technology And Poetry
Technology And Poetry

10 thoughts on “Technology And Poetry: Twenty Terrific Ways to Integrate Them

  1. This is an amazing list. I had no clue that there are apps and websites that are dedicated to poetry and help writers find recognition and tribe.

  2. I love reading poets, and I am sure these websites and apps will help definitely help poetry to be recognized in the world.

  3. This is definitely a great resource for all poem lovers. I need to share this with my niece, thank you!

  4. I am definitely not a poet but I do love reading my kids all Kinds of genres including poetry. I definitely will check out the poet puppy and me

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