
Top New to Me Authors in 2022

It is Tuesday once again, and this week, over at That Artsy Reader Girl, the ask is to share new authors we found in 2022. And while none of these are really new authors, they are certainly my top new to me authors.

Many of these books are on my list of favorite books of last year (save two of them – the WWII related ones; and looking back, they should have been there on that list as well but I already had 20 books on that rather than 10, just like I have 13 here rather than 10..). Well, my top ten Tuesday posts regularly have more than ten items anyways…

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Top New to Me Authors in 2022

Brian Bilston

The author: Brian Bilston
The book: You Took the Last Bus Home (Poetry)
My Why: Bilston is super-talented! His words and poems never fail to amaze me. I find myself smiling, or even weepy, or(well – it is and) simply awed, anytime I read his poems.

Maggie Stiefvater

The author: Maggie Stiefvater
The book: Bravely (YA)

My Why: Well, why ever did I not read her books before? I am not sure, but I am glad I have started..

Thrity Umrigar

The author: Thrity Umrigar
The book: Honor
My Why: Umrigar has been on my to-read authors for way too long now, and I finally did read one of her books this year. Like I expected, it did devastate me, but also made me more eager to read more by her.

Tara Lazar

The author: Tara Lazar
The book: Absurd Words (Children’s Nonfiction)
My Why: I simply must. And if you need more, you can read my gushing review for this book here.

Axie Oh

The author: Axie Oh
The book: The Girl Who Fell Beneath the Sea (Teen and YA/Fantasy, Multicultural Fiction)
My Why: Axie’s words conjure worlds effortlessly! And I need to read more now.

Marianne Monson

The author: Marianne Monson
The book: The Opera Sisters (Historical Fiction)
My Why: I picked the book because, well, it is a WWII historical fiction based on a true story. And now, after having read Monson’s writing and having checked out her other books, I am looking forward to reading them all.

Reem Faruqi

The author: Reem Faruqi
The book: Unsettled (Children’s Asian & Asian American Books/Novels in verse )
My Why: Faruqi is an expert weaver of words, and once I noticed how I devoured this book, it was but natural to add more of her books to my reading list.

Kristina McMorris

The author: Kristina McMorris
The book: The Ways We Hide (Historical Fiction)
My Why: While ‘Sold on a Monday’ has been a book I keep thinking I should read, but somehow keep pushing it to later, I am grateful to have started my McMorrs reading journey with this read. I am yet to review it, but it is definitely one of the most powerful reads of last year for me.

Claudia Mills

The author: Claudia Mills
The book: The Lost Language (Children’s novels in verse)
My Why: This book prompted me to – start relearning things I had forgotten I wanted to – and renewed my love for languages overall. And Mills writes so beautifully that need to keep reading more.

George Saunders

The author: George Saunders
The book: A Swim in a Pond in the Rain (Literature/Nonfiction)
My Why: Too many of Saunders’ books have stayed on my TBR for way too long. Now, they will be read!!

Kelly Barnhill

The author: Kelly Barnhill
The book: The Ogress and the Orphan (Children’s Fiction)
My Why: My review of this book should tell you everything!

Sajni Patel

The author: Sajni Patel
The book: My Sister’s Big Fat Indian Wedding (Teen & YA Fiction)
My Why: Always need a little bit of home away from home and Patel captures India here in the US and elsewhere too so well.

Fredrik Backman

The author: Fredrik Backman
The book: Anxious People (Ficton)
My Why: I now know that all the hype around this book was well deserved, and around this author too.

And Now, the End of This Post

Dear reader, which of these authors would make it on your list of favorite authors? And what about any of the books listed? Have you read them? Your thoughts?

6 thoughts on “Top New to Me Authors in 2022

  1. I have Bravely and My Sister’s Big Fat Indian Wedding on my TBR, and I hope to get to both this year. I enjoyed Anxious People last year (not my first by Backman). Thank you for stopping by my blog earlier. I hope you have a great week.

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

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