
Travel Thursday – My favorite Travel Magazines

Today, as we plan (actually re-plan) for next week since the weather forecast does not seem promising for our Plan A, I decided to list out my favorite travel magazines.

  • Via: I and/or my husband have been AAA members forever now and Via, the travel magazine published by them is a definitive travel magazine – full of tips, new destinations both local and worldwide, budget ideas, and information about where to eat, sleep, and have fun as well what to do, see and more!
  • National Geographic Traveler: I love this magazine mainly for the awesome destinations featured and the breathtaking photographs. As a child, I would read the National Geographic magazine and imagine myself in the exotic locations pictured there; now with the Traveler, I do the same, only, this time, I am all grown up! 
  • Travel + Leisure: Again, exotic locations, hotels, restaurants, and other entertainment featured here are awesome, out-of-the-world fantastic, and out-of-my-budget priced but I can dream, can’t I? So I do…dream that is..

Magazines I would love to read but am not currently:

  • Backpacker: This will be ideal for when the kids are a little older and we can actually attempt this with them (they have already hiked up Yosemite’s Vernal falls – a strenuous 3 mile steep hike which takes about 1.5 hours each way with us earlier this year!).

Theme Thursdays: Character Description this time is the theme over at ‘Reading Between the Pages’ who hosts this weekly meme. The rules are:

  • A theme will be posted each week (on Thursday’s)
  • Select a conversation/snippet/sentence from the current book you are reading
  • Mention the author and the title of the book along with your post
  • It is important that the theme is conveyed in the sentence (you don’t necessarily need to have the word)

Can you guess which character is being described here? Mine is from ‘The Book Thief’

“A SMALL PIECE OF TRUTH I do not carry a sickle or scythe. I only wear a hooded black robe when it’s cold. And I don’t have those skull-like facial features you seem to enjoy pinning on me from a distance. You want to know what I truly look like? I’ll help you out. Find yourself a mirror while I continue. “
Zusak, Markus (2007-12-18). The Book Thief (p. 307). Knopf Books for Young Readers. Kindle Edition.

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