Don’t Push the Button!
by Bill Cotter
Hardcover, 32 pages
Published November 1st 2013 by Sourcebooks Jabberwocky
Book Description: There’s only one rule in Larry’s book: don’t push the button. (Seriously, don’t even think about it!)
Even if it does look kind of nice, you must never push the button. Who knows what would happen?
Okay, quick. No one is looking… push the button.
Uh, oh.
My thoughts: Don’t – well of course, means ‘Do’; and ‘not push buttons’, well, not going to happen. That is exactly what this book expects from its readers – the title makes sure of it, the words tempt us, and the bright, super-cute illustrations seal the deal.
This book is temptation for the littlest readers – the cute little devil that prompts them (and even us) to do all that parents do not want us to do – I am sure looks like Larry.
I can just hear the giggles resulting from reading this book with a room full of little ones and of course, all the pushing (the button, of course), the shaking, the tickling too. This can be a great book to read with a do what ‘Larry-Says’ type of activity for kids for play-time or just about any time! It is a great book for siblings to read together.
My 10 year old’s comments – “Humorous, last picture with all the monsters dancing around, Even though for younger kids, even older kids will enjoy it. Nice book, all in all”
My 7 year old says of the book – “Really fun, love the polka dots and love Larry, and can we push the button?”
Rating: A
Reread Level: 5/5
Reading Level: Up to 7 years (but as I said earlier, everyone has fun reading it!)
Disclaimer: Thank you to NetGalley and Bill Cotter. I received a e-ARC of the book for review. These are my honest opinions of the book.

Thank you to Bill for providing a delightful insight into one of my new favorite characters: Larry.
I look forward to reading more of Bill’s books in the future and am sure I will enjoy the illustrations as much as I will reading the book.
How did you come up with the character of Larry the monster?
I’ve traced Larry’s origin back to a drawing I did in college called “The Monster and the Monk”. (drawing below – Thanks, Bill!) Since then, Larry kept popping up in my sketchbooks to cause mischief from time to time.
Over the years he has been simplified. The goal was to design a character that seemed to be pure expression; big round eyes, eyebrows, mouth, hands, and some horns that show his mood like the ears of a cat or dog.
Larry’s personality came from a blend of few different rambunctious toddlers I had as a pre-k art and music teacher. Basically, he is the kid in the class who can’t help but push the blocks over. A cutesie agent of chaos.
And now for the giveaway of this book for one reader (in the US only(sorry)). [ended]
my teen always find a way to push my buttons, lol
Well now that my kids are grown I'm getting to see how their children push THEIR buttons. HA HA!
I'm new to your blog but I like it very much, thanks!
a character that is pure expression…smiles…i like that…
i love kids books….
look forward to your sentences too!
I would hide in the clothing racks because I was so bored when my mother shopped for clothes. That really pushed her buttons. Now I buy most of my clothes on line but I still have to go to the store for other things and my kids hide behind displays and it really pushed my buttons.
I was a lippy pain in the ass to my mother!
It's like magic!
Why not add Pinterest?
My sister and I always chose to have our arguments while my dad was on the phone….now my 2 older children do it to me. It's great.
My son is 40+ years old and he still knows how to push my buttons! (Following in his momma's footprints I suppose!) "But Mom, you don't understand!"
Fairly new follower of your blog; found you via book Beginnings on Fridays. So far I am enjoying your posts and I do love children's book giveaways! (Collecting for my grandson.)
not listening when i say no!!!
My kids are grown now, but they would tag team the button pushing.
I was bad for giving my parents the silent treatment- mostly because I knew they hated it when I wouldn't answer them!
The ONE thing that really gets to me is if they won't go to bed at bed time. By the end of the day I am ready to be D.O.N.E. Period. If bedtime doesn't go smoothly it about makes me ballistic!
I am new here & look forward to getting to know you better.
My kids push my buttons when they are fussing with each other.
I really like the background color of your blog. For some reason brown makes me want to read 🙂
Ohh…I remember teasing my parents without mercy for things, or to go places. When they would say, "No", of course I would start with the "why not?"s. Heaven help me with my own little one-yikes!
I like that you have reading levels for the children's books – nice! This would be a fun book for my b/g twins to practice their reading skills!
My kids love pushing my buttons.
Looks like a cute book!
looks like a great book- I love how my kids know how to push my buttons- makes life interesting
Kids always have a way of pushing your buttons rather its lying or just being crazy. My kids push my buttons by not following rules.
I really like your recipe section and like the colors of your blog, I just recently found your blog.
My kids know when I'm in a mood and will push my buttons then – big time!
I like the color of your blog. Good and neutral and easy on the eyes. 🙂
I used to push my mom's buttons by being obnoxious when she was on the phone. Back then we used the cord phones and I would get just out of her reach and act up!! Now my 3 year old does the exact same thing to me!!
I teach kindergarten and they push my buttons by being unkind to each other.
lol– Oh I'm sure I pushed my parents buttons daily — I was the only girl out of 5 kids–lol–poor mom and dad ,and yes my oldest daughter and the youngest seem to push everyones buttons those two are rebels–lol always doing something they shouldn't be with what they feel is the best reason in the world.
well this giveaway is awesome–thank you — <3
I work at an alternative school. The kids there are masters of pushing buttons. Thank you
my toddler definitely knows how to press my buttons haha!!
Bed time can be a hassle. lexbaylor27 at gmail dot com
it looks like a fun book!