Books, Memes

Treasure Trove Thursday – My Favorite Treasure Chest will contain…….

..books, of course!!

What about yours?  Do let me know what you think the treasure chest you discover (in a deserted island, in the middle of a tropical jungle, at the end of a quest in an exotic location of your choice, or right in your backyard) will contain.

For Thursday 13, as I celebrate Children’s Book Week on my blog, here are thirteen quotes I love about children’s books:

  1. “So please, oh PLEASE, we beg, we pray, Go throw your TV set away, And in its place you
    can install, A lovely bookshelf on the wall.” — Roald Dahl, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
  2. “There are many little ways to enlarge your child’s world. Love of books is the best of
    all.” — Jacqueline Kennedy
  3. No entertainment is so cheap as reading, nor any pleasure so lasting. She will not want new
    fashions nor regret the loss of expensive diversions or variety of company
    if she can be amused with an author in her closet.”    — Lady Montagu, providing advice on raising her granddaughter, 1752
  4. “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more you learn, the more places
    you’ll go.” — Dr. Seuss, “I Can Read With My Eyes Shut!”
  5. “You may have tangible wealth untold. / Caskets of jewels and coffers of gold. / Richer
    than I you can never be – / I had a mother who read to me.”— Strickland Gillilan
  6. Every book is a children’s book if the kid can read! – Mitch Hedberg
  7. No book is really worth reading at the age of ten which is not equally – and often far more –
    worth reading at the age of fifty and beyond.                               –C.S. Lewis
  8. Make it a rule never to give a child a book you would not read yourself. –George Bernard Shaw
  9. There are perhaps no days of our childhood we lived so fully as those we spent with a favorite book.–Marcel Proust
  10. Any book that helps a child to form a habit of reading, to make reading one of his deep and continuing needs, is good for him.     –Maya Angelou
    1. You have to write the book that wants to be written. And if the book will be too difficult for grown-ups, then you write it for children.                     Madeleine L’Engle
    2. “There are some themes, some subjects, too large for adult fiction; they can only be dealt with adequately in a children’s book.” ― Philip Pullman
  11. “A children’s story that can only be enjoyed by children is not a good children’s story in the
    slightest.” ― C.S. Lewis
  12. “TV. If kids are entertained by two letters, imagine the fun they’ll have with twenty-six. Open your child’s imagination. Open a book.” – Author Unknown

Alphabe Thursday has already made its way to the end of the alphabet and I missed a few (well, many) in between and Theme Thursday offers up ‘creativity’ as the theme this week!

I was lost in blogging Zzzzz’s
Blog dreamland was wonderful
I was queen of Creativity
Wow! That sure was cool!
I had posts lined up from A to Z
Blog dreamland was a fantasy
Well, of course, it was, I said to me
Dear girl, Go on, be all you can be!
So I zip, zap, zoomed in Creativity
Poems here, paintings there, a story
– it was just the beginning, actually
Too soon, I was awake – Hello, reality!

A new meme I had been planning to join in for a long time now – Booking Through Thursday –  the theme this week is ‘Returns’

What book(s) do you find yourself going back to? Beloved children’s classics? Favorites from college? Something that touched you and just makes you long to visit? (Because, doesn’t everybody have at least one book they would like to curl up with, even if they don’t make a habit of rereading books? Even if they maybe don’t even have the time to visit and just think back longingly?)

I have a whole bookshelf of books that I find myself going back to and yes, they include beloved children’s classics, books I read when I was in college, and those I read more recently too.
Little Women/Black Beauty/Enid Blyton/What Katy Did/Short stories by O Henry/ Saki/ Poe/ Wilde/Thomas Hardy/Jane Austen/ Julia Quinn/Lisa Kleypas
And so many more that I fill up a book with my list.

5 thoughts on “Treasure Trove Thursday – My Favorite Treasure Chest will contain…….

  1. I love your creativity poem and about how reality hits. It is so true that bloggyland is such a wonderful place but we all have to live in a real world and if the truth be said that is more important. When the wee wittle ones were not living with us I could leave my laptop out on the couch and know that it would be safe. If they came to visit then I would put it up but knew when they left I could bring it back out and leave it there again. And since it is not one of the lightweight new ones, it is pretty heavy to lug around and really too heavy to "sit" on my lap for any length of time. Anyway it was a lot easier to get on the computer and visit everyone everyday and at all hours of the day if I wanted to. But now if I left it out it would have been broken within a few days and so I have to keep it put up and it is not so easy to get out or that I even have that much time to think about it. I try to get it out every few days once they have gone to sleep or I have to give them the iPad as a bribe to stay away from my laptop. I still am amazed at how a three and two year old can use an iPad and just go right to the apps they want and press all the right spots to play games or watch videos. I don't even teach them which buttons to press on most of the games and I somehow think they know how to read the world "Play" because they search for that button and know to press it. And they even know which buttons to press to even get to the play button. But to me it is amazing that they know about how to do anything on an iPad at all. I mean I had to learn how to use my iPhone and the iPad is pretty much the same but now that I think about it they have been using my iPhone since they could walk that the iPad was probably easy. But then again how do they know it is the same type of equipment. At least they do not know how to use the laptop but give them a few more years and they will be there. I know I will miss them when they move out but I also need peace and quiet and will gladly be happy for every visit.

    You know it is funny that I try to read to them and they do not want me to read to them. What they will do is take the book and start looking at the pictures and make up a story for me from the pictures. Basically they read to me. This makes me wonder if they have gotten the "writer's gene" somehow and will someday write as much as I do. Or they think they are just as smart as me since they can work their computers. And yes we have little kids laptops for them too which they seem to think the games are too simple for them. Sometimes having smart kids is harder then it should be. I know it was hard for our Mom but she always encouraged us that we had to do our best or else.

    And loving to read is the most beautiful gift. I love all those children's sayings you posted. As a child I would read every book I could get my hand's on and would even read the encyclopedia and dictionary. Heck I still read the dictionary at least once a week looking up words for each weeks TT. I still enjoy it.

    Thanks so much for sharing so much with us for this weeks Theme Thursday. Always amazed at how some of you incorporate all of the different themes together. I hope you have a relaxing week and get to spend time reading to your young ones.

    God bless.

  2. It would be fun to be the Queen of Creativity!

    Somedays mine is sadly lacking!

    This was really a zippy little link to finish up Alphabe-Thursday!

    I love your zest for life!

    Thank you for linking.


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