Books, Memes, Reviews

World of Words Wednesday – Cozy Classics In A Dozen Words

Children’s Book Week continues on my blog as well. Do check out the giveaway on my blog and all the others in the giveaway hop for great prizes and wonderful reading.

Book Reviews:

For the book reviews today on my themed World of Words Wednesday, I am reviewing two new Cozy Classics – and I have to say I am once again floored by the sheer talent of the Wang brothers. With just the right set of a dozen words and totally adorable photos of awesome needle-felted scenes and characters, they tell the story of these two verbose, word-filled books – ‘Cozy Classics: War and Peace‘ and ‘Cozy Classics: Les Miserables‘.

If you have not heard of this series before, you should go ahead and get these books for yourself regardless of whether there are little ones to whom you have to read these books to. Then go ahead and get a few more to gift – to just about anyone – new parents, lovers of books, non-lovers of classics..

These books are bite-sized, perfect for little hands to hold on to, and great for introducing the classics (of course!). With these cozy classics, you can have your little one read Moby Dick and then move on to Pride and Prejudice, and these two new ones, and more as the Wang brothers create more Cozy Classics. The next Cozy Classics, according to their Facebook page are Jane Eyre, Oliver Twist, and Emma.

Emotions, environment, and everything else about the place, the period, and the people in these stories are captured perfectly in these amazing felted figures. You can use this book to let your child explore the story on her own, or you can fill in the gaps as little or as much as you want, based on how much of this classic you remember (and of course, refresh your memory in the process!)

My favorite word in each book (along with it’s photograph):
Les Miserables:  stroll – the background, the characters in this photo
War and Peace: boom! – love the cannon!

My review of Cozy Classics: Moby Dick is here and you can read the review of Cozy Classics: Pride and Prejudice here.

(Note: My little ones are 10 and 7 years old and I read these books totally for myself – just for the pure pleasure of looking at the brilliant felt-figure photos and discovering the dozen words used to tell these stories)

The website also includes some more information for each book – a cozy version of the book if you need some
help with relating the story, cast information, quotes from the book, as well as tips for parents to tell the story. Cozy Classics brings a wonderful new dimension to board books.
Thank you, Wang brothers!! 
Rating: A
Reading Level: 1 year and up
Reread Level: 5/5 (I am sure the
little ones will be rereading this book many times over)
Disclaimer: Thank you to NetGalley for providing me a digital review copy of these Cozy Classics book. This is my honest review of the books.

ABC Wednesday

And there I go again missing a couple more weeks on ABC Wednesday..
Since this is Children’s Book Week, I am going to try to pickat least one children’s author (and lady author too keeping in mind my theme for ABC) as well
P -Manjula Padmanabhan – I fell in love with ink drawings for the first time when I saw the really wonderful and detailed illustrations by Manjula Padmanabhan in the children’s magazine ‘Target’ – a popular magazine when I was
growing up, that unfortunately is not in circulation anymore. Her art brings life to ink! I recently found out that she has authored a few books too and am all ready to read them, one by one.
Q – Julia Quinn – needless to say, she is among my favorite historical romance authors and I think I have read every one of her books..
I do not know any children’s book women authors/illustrators/writers from Q – if you, dear reader, know of any, do let me know – and I will add them to my listing of authors.
R – J K Rowling – A BIG Thank you to her for single handedly bringing reading into the lives of zillions of kids! My son wanted to read Harry Potter at the age of 4 when he first saw me reading it and watching one of the earlier movies (non-scary one). I told him then that he would first need to learn to read better and promised him that once he learned reading, he would eventually be able to read Harry Potter (though I did not specify the when)..
He learned reading using a book I bought – he patiently sat through all the lessons in the book – within a couple of months – and now at age 10, he has already devoured Harry Potter and you can never see him without a book in hand.  Now, if J.K.Rowling would write another series of books for kids so more kids can get reading..
Another author I would like to mention is Arundhati Roy – ‘The God of Small Things’ was one of the first modern Indian novels by an Indian woman writer that I read and which inspired me to read more..

3WW – Helpless trample vigilant
The Little Girl:
Like an ever-vigilant lone soldier
She stood proudly in the brambles
Guarding those helpless little ants
or so she believed
Against the trample of huge bumbling feet


9 thoughts on “World of Words Wednesday – Cozy Classics In A Dozen Words

  1. I must see if I can find the Wang Bros books. I agree with your comment on Arundhati Roy's "The God of Small Things" which is one of my favorite books.

    I loved your 3WW piece where the little girl protecting the ants is unaware how powerful they are.

  2. My sister is a Harry Potter fanATIC…has all the books, including Rowling's new one for adults. And to think her first book was considered questionable.

    abcw team

  3. My sister is a Harry Potter fanATIC…has all the books, including Rowling's new one for adults. And to think her first book was considered questionable.

    abcw team

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