
Tuesdays are for…

Top Ten Books (across genres, across time) that I can’t
believe I have not read yet: I am glad to be writing a TTT after a long time. Today’s list is the top ten books of any genre (or not) that you cannot believe you have not read yet. So here is mine.
(and on a side note, if I look at my list from 2013 of a TBR TTT, I realized I had wanted to add/have added all of those books here today!)
  1. Anna Karenina
  2. Catch 22
  3. The Giver
  4. Lord of the Rings (I have
    the book – a gift from wonderful friends who know of my love of reading –
    for years now; and have even watched the movies twice over)
  5. 1984
  6. The Great Gatsby
  7. The Hunger Games
  8. The Old Man and the Sea
  9. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to
    the Galaxy
  10. A book by Chetan Bhagat

4 thoughts on “Tuesdays are for…

  1. Great list! My suggestion is to get a reading buddy and take turns reading LOTR to each other. Some books are better read out loud and LOTR is definitely one of them. I haven't read The Giver yet either and I'd like to. I don't have a TTT list but here's a link to a story I wrote about attending the Moby Dick marathon in New Bedford. It's another good book to read out loud with other people.


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