
Wednesday Memes

– The letter H – it brings wonderful words rushing to my head – Hope, Home, Happy, Heart, Humor, Healthy, Help..

And these are things I hope will be predominant in my home happy smiles all around; good humor in abundance; healthy minds, hearts, and bodies; a helping hand always next to me and my hand extended in help to people around me.
    * Home is where the heart is.
    * Some see a hopeless end, while others see an endless hope.  ~Author Unknown
    * Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be. – Abraham Lincoln
    * The first wealth is health. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
    * Humor is our way of defending ourselves from life’s absurdities by thinking absurdly about them. – Lewis Mumford 

Head on to my ‘Healthy in a Hurry’ giveaway (and one more giveaway as well) and Hope you win!

Acrostic Only, Three Word
(Deviant minuscule trivial)
Minuscule! Not he
Only a butterfly deviant
Trivial! Not he
Hugely – thought he – important

Wondrous Words Wednesday: This weeks words are from books I am reading currently – including Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea, Last Man in Tower, and historical romances.

  • poop 1 n. (also poop deck) the aftermost and highest deck of a ship,
    esp. in a sailing ship where it typically forms the roof of a cabin in the
    stern. late Middle English:
    from Old French pupe, from a variant of Latin puppis ‘stern’.
  • Revictualled – v. simple past tense and past participle of revictual. 1. revictual [v] –   1. To
    victual again; furnish again with provisions. 
    2. To renew one’s stock of provisions.
  • jabot – Jabot (from French jabôt: a
    bird’s crop); alternatively a bird’s croup or craw. Originally the term jabot
    referred to the frilling or ruffles decorating the front of a shirt.[1] It has
    evolved into a decorative clothing accessory consisting of lace or other fabric
    falling from the throat, suspended from or attached to a neckband or collar; or
    simply pinned at the throat.
  • phantasmagoria – Phantasmagoria (About this sound American pronunciation
    (help·info), also fantasmagorie, fantasmagoria) was a form of theatre which used
    a modified magic lantern to project frightening images such as skeletons,
    demons, and ghosts onto walls, smoke, or semi-transparent screens, frequently
    using rear projection. 
  •  peccadillo Noun:A small, relatively unimportant offense or sin.
  • epistolary – An epistolary novel is a novel written as a series of
    documents. The usual form is letters, although diary entries, newspaper
    clippings and other documents are sometimes used. The word epistolary is derived through Latin from the Greek word
    epistolē, meaning a letter 
  • CREPUSCULAR – 1. Of or like twilight; dim; 2. Zoology Becoming active
    at twilight or before sunrise, as do bats and certain insects and birds.
  • epaulettes – Epaulettes are fastened to the shoulder by a shoulder
    strap or “passant”, a small strap parallel to the shoulder seam, and
    the button near the collar, or by laces on the underside of the epaulette
    passing through holes in the shoulder of the coat.
  • attainder – In English criminal law, attainder or attinctura is the
    metaphorical ‘stain’ or ‘corruption of blood’ which arises from being condemned
    for a serious capital crime (felony or treason). It entails losing not only
    one’s property and hereditary titles, but typically also the right to pass them
    on to one’s heirs. Both men and women condemned of capital crimes could be
  • bosky – 1. Having an abundance of bushes, shrubs, or trees: “a
    bosky park leading to a modest yet majestic plaza” (Jack Beatty). 2. Of or
    relating to woods.
  • fouillis (French) –    1. mess,
    confusion, jumble

16 thoughts on “Wednesday Memes

  1. What a great selection of Wondrous Words you found. I've heard of many of them, but not known the specific meanings you've given. Phantasmagoria is one that particularly stands out. It's a word I've come across before, but didn't know about the theatre style. Very interesting. Pecadillo actually has a slightly different meaning to my understanding of it. I thought it rather more specifically sexual as a term, but the origin as small sin makes sense.

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