
World of Words Wednesday – A Book review and an eBook(s) Giveaway

Mr. Darcy Forever by Victoria Connelly:
Published by Sourcebooks
Publication Date: April 1, 2012

Like ‘Dreaming of Mr.Darcy’, ‘Mr.Darcy Forever’ charms you all the way to the end of the story. Victoria Connelly, in this story, has loosely based her main characters, sisters Sarah and Mia on the sisters in Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility. This book provided me a glimpse of the magic of Bath, of Jane Austen festivals (oh, if only I could, I would be there too attending a Jane Austen festival, but I can’t right now at least, so I read!)

Review: Like sisters (or siblings) everywhere, Sarah and Mia are completely different from each other, with Sarah’s OCD and Mia’s completely not-OCD personality, they have their sibling squabbles – but they do have things in common as well – their love for each other and for Jane Austen! But when things go sour after both sisters fall in love with one seemingly perfect man, they go their separate ways until Jane Austen brings them back together, literally. Both Sarah and Mia decide to attend the Jane Austen Festival three years later and what they discover there about themselves, and about each other, makes this book a sweet, charming, funny read for all.

The author tells the story going back and forth between today and flashbacks to reveal what drew the sisters apart – she manages to do this without letting the reader be at a loss. Descriptions of Bath and the Jane Austen festival tempt me to visit and be a part of the festival.
My favorite character in this story has got be Bingley – a bungling, lovable dog who is described as ‘a cross with something fat and greedy. But lovely’.

Rating: B+ (Having given the earlier book in the series an A, I am giving this book a B+ mainly because I loved that one way more than this.)

Disclaimer:Thank you to Sourcebooks for sending me a digital review copy via NetGalley. I was not compensated for my review. My thoughts on this book were in no way influenced by the author or publicist. They are my personal opinions formed when I read this book.

And now, for the fun part – the giveaway: Considering this is eBook week over in Canada, this is perfectly timed – an eBook giveaway. Thanks to Sourcebooks, one lucky winner can get a code to download all three books of this trilogy from the Sourcebooks website. Please use the Rafflecopter below to enter the giveaway.Please note that the only format the Sourcebooks website does not support is the proprietary Kindle format. eBook PDF and ePub formats are available.


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4 thoughts on “World of Words Wednesday – A Book review and an eBook(s) Giveaway

  1. I'm a 10 – have all the books including the incomplete ones, which I usually all read once a year, plus dvd's of the TV series, even though they are not as good as the books

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