Books, Learning

What Time Will Tell and Talk of the Time

The idiomatic phrase ‘time will tell’ means that you will discover in the future what the result of a present situation is (source). And 👍🏻, there are many things that we have to wait till some time passes, and let the passage of time happen. However, that does not mean we can do nothing until time tells us whatever it has to tell. We can definitely do other things in the meantime, and maybe become the talk of the time (in a positive, good way of course!!) or simply live in the moment and enjoy the little things.

Like listening to this song titled ‘Time Will Tell’ by Bob Marley!

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Talk of the Time Will Tell

The Talk

The Talk by Darrin Bell (Biographies, Racism, & History – Graphic Novels | Henry Holt and Co. | June 6, 2023)

Description: Darrin Bell was six years old when his mother told him he couldn’t have a realistic water gun. She said she feared for his safety, that police tend to think of little Black boys as older and less innocent than they really are.

My One-Sentence Review: Heart-wrenching but required reading, repeatedly too. The little Darrin Bell being told of the dangers of being black by his mom – that face – got to me.

Time Will Tell

Time Will Tell by Courtney Peppernell (Poetry | Andrews McMeel Publishing | August 1, 2023)

Description: Time Will Tell is a collection of introspective poetry from bestselling author Courtney Peppernell. Come along and discover what it means to start inward and evolve into the version of yourself the universe knows you can be.

My One-Sentence Review: Poetry that tugs at your heartstrings one poem, one writing, one beautiful image at a time.

Talk of the Time Will Tell…

When I did a search for the first part of this phrase, one of the things returned was a link to ‘The Most Popular TED Talks of All Time‘. Looking at it was surprising, for I had just finished seeing the first two that showed up (or maybe it is just the whole ‘internet’ watching us thing) as part of the psychology class I am currently taking. In case you are wondering which ones, they are

The first one has indeed withstood the test of time, and time did tell us people watch it for the truth spoken with humor by Sir Ken Robinson in that talk. Now, we need to work towards ensuring that schools nurture creativity, and if we all try, then only time will tell how we have done.

And Now, the End of This Post

Dear reader, have you read any of the books mentioned in today’s post? What is your favorite TED talk? Any other book, movie, song, show, or whatever related to either the phrase ‘time will tell’ or something that is the ‘talk of the times’ for you now!?

20 thoughts on “What Time Will Tell and Talk of the Time

  1. Interesting topic with books, videos, and music to go along with the theme, time will tell. I have not been aware of most of them with the exception of the TedX on schools killing creativity. I will check out those readings. Thank you for sharing. Sending love.

  2. I will have to check these books out! They sound like good ones.

    I don’t think I’ve ever listened to any TED talks.

  3. Now these are the books that pique my interest. I will check them out and thanks for sharing them. I listen to Bob Marley’s music 🎶 often

  4. This thought-provoking blog beautifully reminds us that time is both a wise teacher and a storyteller. Embrace its lessons and cherish the stories it weaves in our lives.

  5. Love how you’ve captured the essence of “time will tell” and its significance in our lives. Your blend of personal reflections, book reviews, and TED talk insights is engaging and thought-provoking. Your relatable writing style makes me want to explore those books and TED talks. Keep sharing your intriguing thoughts! 📚⏳

  6. The genre of this books sounds really interesting! I love self-help books but this one catch my attention.

  7. I agree that time will tell everything about every situation. Just have to remember that some relationships are for a season, several seasons, years, or a lifetime.

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