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Sunday Scribblings #154: Focus on What Matters and Skip the Inane

So July 23rd is Yada, Yada, Yada Day, inspired by a Seinfeld episode (one I have watched many times over with hubby dear)! The phrase “yada, yada, yada”—which means “so on and so forth,” or “blah, blah, blah”— is often used to represent a situation where certain details or explanations are omitted for brevity, humor, or to signify something unimportant or insignificant. In its own way, it focuses on what matters, on what needs to be said.

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Notepad and a pen over it with a cup of coffee next to it. words read Sunday Scribblings, and this is forSunday Scribblings #154: Focusing on the Essence of Life

Poetic Sundays: Mini-Monoverse Again for What Matters

I wrote about the mini-monoverse in 2020. Here it is again, to help us talk about what matters and to skip the inane..

What is the Mini-Monoverse?

It is a short verse with short lines invented by Emily Romano. I love the stop-and-go feel of it…

The Mini-Monoverse’s Characteristics

The basic elements of the mini-monoverse are that it is:

  • Typically made up of ten lines: has two five-line stanzas or quintains
  • Syllabic: each line has three syllables
  • Rhymed: stanza 1: a/a/a/a/a; stanza 2: b/b/b/b/b. And you can make it a chain of mini-monoverses using different end rhymes for each stanza (so S3: c/c/c/c/c; & S4:  d/d/d/d/d, and so on)
  • For story-telling: Ideally, the mini-monoverse tells a story (optional)

My Attempt at What Matters With the Mini-Monoverse

A WIP currently but you can check what I wrote earlier here.


On My Blog and Home-front

Feeling hot, hot, hot… and we had a fun get-together with family on Saturday.

Posts since I last scribbled about what matters:


    On My Blog and Home-front

    One more week of July, one more week of my birthday month… and more posts..

    This Week’s Celebrations

    The Literary and Close-to-it Celebrations

    • Literary Birthdays this week: Alexandre Dumas and Zelda Fitzgerald on July 24th; Melissa Marr on the 25th of July; Aldous Huxley, George Bernard Shaw, and Carl Jung on the 26th; Bharati Mukherjee and Cassandra Clare on 27th July; Beatrix Potter on the 28th; Sharon Creech on July 29th; and Emily Bronte on the 30th of July
    • It is Paperback Book Day on July 30.

    Foodie Celebrations

    Here are the some of the fun, delish foodie celebrations for this week

    Other Celebrations

    Related Stuff … Read/Do What Matters To You

    Wrapping up my Sunday Scribblings

    So dear reader, this was it for my Sunday Scribblings. I would love to hear your comments on my post(s), poems, poetic Sunday section, and anything else. And which of these days do you plan to celebrate (or any other)? 

    Linking this to the Sunday Post over at the Caffeinated Reviewer and the Sunday Salon.

    Linking up to the Ultimate Blog Challenge 

    a hand holding a magnifying glass and pin title within the glass says Poetic Sundays: Mini-Monoverse: Focus on What Matters

    19 thoughts on “Sunday Scribblings #154: Focus on What Matters and Skip the Inane

    1. Sometimes we get so busy that we forget to enjoy what life gives us like National Tell An Old Joke Day, National Cheesecake Day, and International Self Care Day!

    2. I cannot believe that August is here and the school year is going to be starting. And my youngest son is going to be a graduate this year. And I hope that you have an amazing birthday and eat a lot of amazing food too.

    3. The mini mono-verse poem, when explained, seems like it would be simple but it’s actually a little challenging to write something with a cohesive flow to it with the restrictions. That said, your WIP was fun!

    4. Your delightful post about Yada, Yada, Yada Day and the essence of life is a captivating read. The way you blend humor, meaningful insights, and celebrations is truly engaging. Your writing style makes it a pleasure to explore and connect with your thoughts. Keep up the fantastic work! 📚🌟

    5. There are a lot of activities going on this summer, it sounds like a busy one! Very interesting article! Thanks for sharing

    6. So many happenings in July, I’m sure in August too, You’re right, focus on what matters. And enjoy as well! 🙂

    7. I hope you had a great birthday month. I also know what you mean about hot hot hot. It’s been over 100 for a long time here in Fort Worth/Dallas TX area. Without any rain so it is super dry too.

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