Wednesday is almost over and my post not yet started. ‘The Immortals of Meluha’ have to wait for my review. My Wednesday post will be a part of my effort to blog every day this month as part of NaBloPoMo and a hello to some of my favorite memes I have missed out on the last few months. So instead of the review post and more along with my hello to memes, I made a decision to compromise and keep moving forward in my quest to post everyday! So, here it is..
This post is also my entry to Three Word Wednesday (the three words being compromise, decision, and forward) and for ABCWednesday (the letter of the week being Q – quest )
Please note that this is not my normal entry for these memes, but for today, this will do….for me at least
So here is my hello to Wondrous Words Wednesday:
de·mesne n. HISTORICAL 1 land attached to a manor and retained for the owner’s own use. – the lands of an estate. – ARCHAIC a region or domain: she may one day queen it over that fair demesne. 2 HISTORICAL [LAW] possession of real property in one’s own right. held in demesne (of an estate) occupied by the owner, not by tenants. Middle English: from Old French demeine (later Anglo-Norman French demesne) ‘belonging to a lord’, from Latin dominicus, from dominus ‘lord, master’. Compare with DOMAIN.
fru·men·ty (also fur·me·ty) n. BRIT. an old-fashioned dish consisting of hulled wheat boiled in milk and seasoned with cinnamon and sugar. late Middle English: from Old French frumentee, from frument, from Latin frumentum ‘corn’.
zaf·tig (also zof·tig) adj. INFORMAL (of a woman) having a full, rounded figure; plump. 1930s: Yiddish, from German saftig ‘juicy’.
This your QUEST, to follow those memes
no matter how difficult, you follow the teams
ROG, ABC Wednesday team
Thank you!
I am looking for more and decided to join up for the long haul.
Thank you…
Demesne seems familiar to me – maybe from the little French I know – but I couldn't define it. I know I've heard zaftig before but didn't know the meaning of it either.
The words did seem familiar to me as well but I looked for their meanings for the first time and realized they were new to me:)
I like the definitions, I am always looking to learn more and new words. I also am on the lookout for new writing challenges, ways to flex my mental muscles, as it were. WIl have to give ABCWednesday a look.
stu pidasso
thank you…. memes are a good way to flex those writing muscles..
You've worked in all the prompts, quite successfully.
thank you…definitely not in the wonderful way that you manage to use the prompts but I try…
you've certainly used all the prompts bravo
thank you.. always enjoy reading what you write so much..
Zaftig. Hmm, I think I need to remember that one. Great job using the words.
thank you.. the word is definitely interesting and not what it seems at all, right?
Good job!
abcw team
thank you, Leslie..
A quest is a challenge. Good luck! Kate ABC Team
Thanks, Kate.. and am totally enjoying it..