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Yet another revival continues..

β€˜Try, try, and try again, and you will succeed.β€˜ – This is a moral from one of the earliest stories that I remember reading/hearing as a child. The story, or rather the moral has since then been heard many a times and said to me by me as well πŸ™‚
So, here I am again, at the start of another Ultimate Blogging Challenge hoping to post regularly. Hectic work schedules meant (and could still mean) other things do tend to take a back seat but I am hoping that this time around, I can plan to schedule posts differently – shorter posts (still hopefully good posts) to make it easier for me to keep posting as often as I can. Trying again, and hoping to keep trying at least and at some point, emulate the spider (and King Bruce)!!! And to emulate my little girl – pictured here almost at the top of the climbing wall (she was one of five who did reach the top among her group of about 25 kids) – persistence does pay..

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