Books, Lists

30 Wonderful Picture Books

In my previous post, I promised a list of picture books, and hoped to do it well before I am actually doing it. But better late than never seems to be one of my favorite sayings – so here it is finally.

For those of you who have been here before, you know I regularly feature picture books. They are my daily dose of bursts of color, knowledge, stories, and reading pleasure, even for those busiest of days! And I pick them over and over again sometimes, simply because of the way they brighten my day!

So dear reader, know that the books listed here are among the ones that have, as I mentioned earlier, made my day better and brighter many times over. They have been reviewed earlier, and they all have a place in my library(and hopefully in yours too) always.

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The List

In no particular order, here is the list. The links on the titles will take you to my review of the book, and I am sure you will enjoy these books enough to want to gift the book for yourself or for a loved one.

  • Song for Papa Crow – this is a much loved children’s picture book at home for both its illustrations and the story.
  • And You Can Come Too – This one is adorable, and I smiled throughout. Pick it up to find out why.
  • Mommy’s Little Girl – A gift from one of our friends to my little girl when she was little (well, she will always be my little girl), this book is adorbs cute! (My dd is sure to cringe if she sees my usage of these words; they are so long ago that I must be a dinosaur)
  • The Wonderful Things You Will Be – A tug-at-your-heartstrings book to be enjoyed, read, and gifted
  • Owl Love You – The sweetness of parenting glows gently yet strongly through every page here.
  • Water Can Be – this book is magical, with words and illustrations flowing together seamlessly to show the changing faces of water through the seasons of the year and more
  • Lion of the Sky – Another book from a favorite author, this is for all who love riddles or haiku, and definitely for those who love both!
  • Is a Worry Worrying You ? – Well, if it is, then pick up this book and say a sweet hello and goodbye to worrying!
  • The Gingerbread Boy – Illustrated by Scott Cook – This charming rendition of ‘The Gingerbread Boy’ has wonderful illustrations – the oil paintings rendered by Cook are lively and energetic and beautiful!
  • Dragon Dancer – A book that explodes with color and excitement and sounds and sights that takes you right into the wonders of a dragon dance performance as you read it.
  • The Quiltmaker’s Gift – a book that simply warms the heart and delights the eyes.
  • The Grudge Keeper – What do you do with your grudges? Well, the people in this book have a unique way to deal with theirs, so pick up this book which is a keeper indeed to find out.
  • Ruby’s Wish – a story that inspires on so many levels – teaches perseverance, equality of gender, respect for elders, self-confidence, love of culture and love of learning.
  • Sylvie – This book is short, sweet, colorful, and delightful. In pictures that say a lot, and crisp text, this story teaches us to be happy being ourselves while also telling us that we should learn to love to explore and appreciate differences and new experiences.
  • Isabella Girl on the Go – Isabella is a girl after my own heart, and in this book in the series, she explores the world right in her backyard and we are introduced to famous landmarks around the world while she dabbles at different professions. 
  • Noisy Nora – This book appeals to all who have felt left out in situations. 

And I did say 30 books, so here is one more to make it an even 30. Another favorite of mine by a much-loved author. Oh, the Places You’ll Go by Dr. Seuss

What About You?

What would make it in your top ten or top five list of favorite picture books? Or comics? Or graphic novels? I would love to hear from you! So do let me know in the comments.

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