Books, Reviews

Book Review: For the Right to Learn: Malala Yousafzai’s Story

For the Right to Learn: Malala Yousafzai’s Story

Title: For the Right to Learn: Malala Yousafzai’s Story For the right to learn Malala
Author: Rebecca Langston-George
Illustrator: Janna Bock
Publisher: Capstone Young Readers (August 1, 2015)
Series: Encounter: Narrative Nonfiction Picture Books
Age Range: 8 – 11 years
Hardcover: 40 pages

Book Description:

She grew up in a world where women were supposed to be quiet. But Malala Yousafzai refused to be silent. She defied the Taliban’s rules, spoke out for education for every girl, and was almost killed for her beliefs. This powerful true story of how one brave girl named Malala changed the world proves that one person really can make a difference.

My Thoughts:

Malala Yousafzai is an inspiration, a volcano of hope indeed! Children (and adults) need to know who she is. Reading about her courage, her persistence, and her fight for the right to learn will definitely inspire everyone. Therefore, it was (and will be) a totally awesome feeling to read this book. It tells her story – all of it, including the hard facts of her attempted murder, with the right balance of sensitivity and information. The book also mentions the Taliban’s reign of terror and the horrors they mitigated, both with text and pictures, but does it subtly and movingly.

Her story teaches us not to take education for granted, but instead to treat it as a privilege. This book is a must-add to libraries everywhere – home, schools, public libraries – for its messages of female empowerment, the right to education, the fight against terrorism with words and courage, and for peace everywhere.

The text might still be a bit intense and lengthy for younger readers, so it makes sense for adults to read it beforehand so they can discuss the book.  Another Malala book that works well for the younger readers is Malala’s Magic Pencil, reviewed here. The illustrations are emotional and colorful.  The gorgeous artwork does a wonderful job of portraying defiance, fear, happiness, and more, making it a beautiful add-on to the story.

As a bonus, I learned many facts that I had not known of before. This gave an additional insight into Malala’s life, like the one pictured below. The text mentions how Malala used the art of henna to learn, when the Taliban forbade learning for girls.

for the right to learn malala
In summary, For the Right to Learn: Malala Yousafzai’s Story, is highly recommended!
Rating: 5+/5 (A+)
Reading Level:
Reread Level: 4/5 (since needs to be read a few times over when used for classroom discussions, or just for inspiration, and to look at the art that adorns the pages)

Since the eARC (Advance Review Copy) of the book from NetGalley expired a while ago, I acquired a copy of the book to read it again and review it well. Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with the initial eARC of this book and introducing me to the same.

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Question to you, dear readers: Who has inspired you recently, and why? Do let me know. Do you have any other books similar to this for recommendation? Would love to read them.

Writing this post as a series for the Ultimate Blog Challenge and Write 31 Days.  31 Days, 31 Books! This is for Day Sixteen (and I need to catch up on days 17 and 18)

Day 0 Day 1  Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5  Day 6  Day 7 Day 8 Day 9  Day 10 Day 11  Day 12 Day 13   Day 14  Day 15

19 thoughts on “Book Review: For the Right to Learn: Malala Yousafzai’s Story

  1. This is really good and informative. You have created the article very well. Many will be benefitted from it who loves Malala’s books.

  2. I love reading books and I’d appreciate getting my hands on this one. What excites me most is the fact that the book shows the importance of education. More knowledge is definitely worth it!

  3. I haven’t read the book but have wanted to ever since!! Her story reinstates that each on of us has the ability to shake the world!!

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