I wrote this poem in memory of Dave – a much-respected blogger in the blogger and especially, the dVerse community, a few weeks ago.
It somehow never did make it out but here it is today, in honor of him,
and of all those friends I miss(ed) for dVerse OpenLinkNight. Though I
did not interact with him as much as many others, I enjoyed reading his
posts always.
- Rainbows, sunshine, dewdrops, butterflies,
bees, buds, blossoms… - Smiles, tears, hugs, and kisses
- The postal system, the telephone, the
internet, and yes, social media - Family, friends, and teachers!
- Imagination
bookish things:
- Authors: Enid Blyton, Roald Dahl, Jane
Austen, Louisa May Alcott, Thomas Hardy, and so many more - Books: Not sure I want to start listing
them out…all my top ten lists and more. - Book blogs: too many favorites to list
them all out here - Libraries, and of course book stores
- Discovering something new and fascinating
to read – you know that feeling when you open a book for the first time
(be it a magazine or a novel), you realize you are entering a magical
world – where you will learn, lose yourself in words, and come out a
better person – always!
For Teaser Tuesdays, from ‘Biting through the Skin’ by Nina Mukerji
‘She cupped her palm and showed me the size of the well: that much ginger.
As we stood with our heads tipped together, I tried to translate that cupped palm to my stainless steel measuring spoons, to balance that cavity of space against the scent and taste of the finished dish, against the aroma of steaming basmati rice, roasting cumin seeds, and cinnamon sticks in hot oil. Then I shrugged, and guessed.’
I do a lot of that kind of guessing. Almost every time i try to write down a recipe.
Great teaser. Please check out mine.
Oh my goodness, that teaser made me hungry! Now I want to prepare dinner, but I don't have any ginger 🙁
Thanks for stopping by earlier 🙂
Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews
Nice teaser! Whatever they're cooking sounds (and smells) absolutely delicious. And I like your mix of general and bookish things you're thankful for. Here's my TTT list (just book-related.)
Amazing list! I forgot to include my family/dogs on my list because I was too busy fangirling over a certain TV show that I'm thankful for and now I feel silly!
Doris @ OABR
This list made me smile! I've experienced number 10 twice in two weeks which feels like an abundance of blessings. First, with Provence, 1970 by Luke Barr. And, last night, with The Signature of All Things by Elizabeth Gilbert.
What a great list of things to be thankful for.
Interesting teaser. I don't measure as much as I used to.
Love that poem for Dave. Such a nice thought. So many friends here, so few we learn to really know
nice…thanks for remembering him…and we are blessing by the touches of friends along the way, for what little time we had and how they touched our lives…
Lovely tribute to Dave!
Awesome poem for Dave! Great teaser too and Ill have to check this book out 🙂