Current Events, Everything Else, Learning, Writing

BlogChattering on the A to Z Ultimate Blogging Challenge

It is April First – Who am I fooling? Nobody but myself. I make promises to myself – some years I call them resolutions, others I make goals, still others – like this year – they are neither resolutions nor goals but ways to work towards a better me.

And how have I done so far this year? Well, to be honest, not really great..

But on this Fools Day, I do want to take a look back at what I have done so far and reassess and work on what needs to be done.

First off – regarding my initial plan this year: I have been working on kindness, on cherishing family and friends, and on working towards a ‘Better-Me’ a little by little each day – but not as much as I thought I should have by now.

Second, well, that is also something about the first one itself. I now am working on more specific items for each one of those three above and will update here on my blog every so often (plan is once a week starting this Sunday).

Third, to the present: Starting today, I am participating in the A to Z Blogging Challenge and the Ultimate Blogging Challenges as well as the BlogChatterAtoZ Challenge. I have participated in the UBC many times over now and as for A to Z Challenge, this is my third time playing along.

My previous two attempts – here and here.

So, I did not have a theme-reveal post at all this time around. To be honest, I had way too many things revolving in my head for the theme. And I finally decided to do a bit more than I planned. I will see how I can keep it going.

So the theme:

Short(maybe not!) snippets into different things that I am and I enjoy (not all of it; but some).

To give some more background, my profession – a software QA engineer; one of my favorite things to do since I was but a tot – reading; something I dabble in every once in a while with intent and interest – poetry.

In addition, I also enjoy trying out new recipes, taking zillions of snaps during trips and to capture the everyday, to travel, and dance among other things; but for this A to Z, I am just focusing on short snippets from that first set of three items.

The Entertainment Corner:

The book or the movie? This is a question that is always asked when a movie is based on a book.

Ask any book lover and the answer will be – the book, of course! (with the exception or the caveat that the movie was pretty good too – from book lovers, I mean)

Ask the others and they might give you varying answers based on whether they had read the book or even heard of the book at all before the movie.

So in this corner, I attempt to give my answer (but you might say I am a book lover- so yes, there is that bias) and get your opinion.

The Poetry Corner:

An introduction to a poetry form and an attempt at the form.

The QA Corner:

A QA term explained in the briefest way I can.

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