Books, Lists

Frank Zappa Said it Best

Certainly, Frank Zappa said it best when he uttered those now famous words for all book lovers everywhere: “So Many Books, So Little Time.” And that is certainly the reason for so many unsurmountable TBRs everywhere. The theme this week for Top Ten over at ThatArtsyReaderGirl is the books we meant to read last year and did not. While I have books from even earlier that I have never gotten to, I decided to stick with the 2020 releases for today’s list (and still could not keep it within ten)

Frank Zappa Said It Best: "So Many Books, So Little Time"

Frank Zappa Said It Best: “So Many Books, So Little Time”

So, here are a few of the

Books I Meant to Read in 2020

The Cybils nominees

These are a couple of the 20+ books I couldn’t get to reading for the Cybils awards (mostly time related; and some because of unavailability)

My Name Is Tani . . . and I Believe in Miracles

Book Info

Title: My Name Is Tani . . . and I Believe in Miracles Young Readers Edition
Author: Tanitoluwa Adewumi, Craig Borlase (Contributor)
Genre: Children’s Nonfiction/Biographies, Immigration (8 – 12 years)

 Book Depository || BookShop || IndieBound

Why I Want to Read This

I have somehow always loved books (and movies ) of young kids playing chess. This is in spite of the fact that I never play chess. I know the rudiments but with all my love for puzzles and math, somehow never went beyond learning the game. That said, I love reading about and watching movies that feature kids learning and winning against the odds.

The Radium Girls

Book Info
the radium girls
Frank Zappa Said It Best: "So Many Books, So Little Time"

Title: The Radium Girls: The Scary But True Story of the Poison That Made People Glow in the Dark
Author: Kate Moore
Genre: Children’s Nonfiction/STEM, History(8 – 12 years)

Book Depository || BookShop || IndieBound

Why I Want to Read This

From the moment I saw it on the Cybils Awards nominations list, and even more so when I read the excerpt, I wanted to read this book. But I was unable to get a hold of it until recently. This is one of my current reads, and it is as fascinating as I had hoped it would be based on those first impressions. And I plan to watch the show that is out (I realized that in late Dec) after reading this book.

The ARCs

The NetGalley reads

(there are zillions more I need to read, and I am not exaggerating when I say so; but these are among the few I had really hoped to read by now)

Answers in the Form of Questions

Book Info
Why I Want to Read This

While I cannot say I watched every episode of Jeopardy or that I am a die-hard fan of the show or Alex Trebek, I love both the show and its beloved host dearly enough that I felt I had to read this book. Trebek also reminded me of my dad for some reason!

Eli’s Promise

Book Info

Title: Eli’s Promise
Author: Ronald H. Balson 
Genre: WWII Historical Fiction

 Book Depository || BookShop || IndieBound

Why I Want to Read This

There is simply something about books set during WWII….

Then the Others..

In An Instant

Book Info

Title: In An Instant
Author: Suzanne Redfearn
Genre: Women’s Fiction

 Book Depository || BookShop || IndieBound

Why I Want to Read This

I have been devotedly adding the Amazon First Reads books to my digital bookshelf for a while now; and like so many books I own, I end up putting them away for another day. And this one sounds oh so intriguing. I need to read this sooner than later.

The Vanishing Half

Book Info
The Vanishing Half 
for post Frank Zappa Said It Best: "So Many Books, So Little Time"

Title: The Vanishing Half
Author: Brit Bennett
Genre:  Black & African American Literary Fiction

 Book Depository || BookShop || IndieBound

Why I Want to Read This

Well, everyone else seems to have read it.. And I do admit to being intrigued and totally tempted to read it either way!

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue

Book Info

Title: The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue
Author: V.E. Schwab
Genre: Fantasy Action & Adventure

 Book Depository || BookShop || IndieBound

Why I Want to Read This

The cover, the hype, the number of people who have read it, and well, the historical fantastical fiction aspect as well.

The Night Watchman

Book Info

Title: The Night Watchman
Author: Louise Erorich
Genre: Historical Fiction

 Book Depository || BookShop || IndieBound

Why I Want to Read This

I always enjoy reading historical fiction; and recently I read a few books about Native American history and their rights, as part of the Cybils Awards reading. While I am yet to post the reviews of those books here on my blog, I was awed and left wanting to know more, all at the same time. This book promises that through fiction, so of course I want to read it.

Clap When You Land

Book Info

Title: Clap When You Land
Author: Elizabeth Acevedo 
Genre: Teen and YA Fiction

Book Depository || BookShop || IndieBound

Why I Want to Read This

Fiction in verse, and most importantly, Acevedo. Considering

The Dictionary of Lost Words

Book Info

Title: The Dictionary of Lost Words
Author: Pip Williams 
Genre:  Historical Biographical Fiction

Book Depository || BookShop || IndieBound

Why I Want to Read This

I seem to have grown fond of titles that go like ‘The abc of abc‘ lately. And to top it off, this one is based around real events; it revolves around words as well as a book – well, a dictionary; and then that cover! Of course, I want to read this. I added this to my TBR last year and hope to get to it this year.

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Frank Zappa Said It Best: "So Many Books, So Little Time"

And Now, the End of This Post

Dear reader, which of these books have you read? And which one would you recommend the most? What are the books on your missed reads list of last year? As always, I welcome your comments, recommendations, and suggestions.

32 thoughts on “Frank Zappa Said it Best

  1. The Radium Girls is a must read. Sad but so good. Thanks for sharing your list. I actually pulled a few of these into my 2021 reading list. So…many…books LOL

    1. I heard that it is sad and while I have started reading it, I have been sidetracked with a few other things (including books). and I always end up adding books to my TBR when I look at others’ lists too …

  2. Frank Zappa was 100% correct! And worse then that… there are so many books that I want to read 100 times so I have even less time!! LOVE The Vanishing Half! That was a GREAT book!

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