
The fun of Bloggiesta

My first Bloggiesta!! This means I am finally
going to get some things done which were on my to-do list for a long time.
Bloggiesta runs from March 30th to April 1st (wherever you are).  Thank
you to the hosts of Bloggiesta – It’s All About Books and There’s a Book. There are tons of mini-challenges too which are all listed here(this year’s challenges) and here (flashback mini challenges from previous
years) that I hope to complete (well, at least some of them)..

My to-do list for Bloggiesta
(most likely will keep changing):
1. Posts: (Partly Done)

  • Complete reviews of books, games I
    have been planning and schedule them (at least two) – WIP
  • Complete posts for reading
    challenges that I put off and schedule them(at least two) – wip
  • Complete posts for my Tuesday/Thursday
    posts that I put off and schedule them(at least two) – wip
  • Plan a schedule for memes – done

2. Make new blogging friends – made lots of bloggiesta friends
3. GoogleReader cleanup – WIP
4.  Update my Reading
Challenges – WIP
5. Mini Challenges
Facebook promotion – thanks to Liza – done – contemplating on whether to have a FB page
Twitter promotion – thanks to Katie  – done
Mr.Linky tutorial – thanks to Kelly -partly done
Pinterest promotion – thanks to Joy – done
SEO thanks to April – WIP 
Write faster reviews – thanks to Melanie – done
Social Media Icons – thanks to Lisa – done
Sidebar challenge – thanks to Penelope– done
Promote through commenting – thanks to Sheila – done
Backup your blog – thanks to The Book Vixen – done
Themed pages – thanks to Charlotte – done

10 thoughts on “The fun of Bloggiesta

  1. What a great list and very do-able. I understand the "tons more things to-do" cause every time I read someone else list I think I should add more to mine. LOL! Bloggiesta will never end if we take on the "tons more" LOL!!

    Good Luck on your list!

  2. Wow! Way to support the mini challenges! They are awesome, yes? Hopefully you are learning tons and having fun. Thanks for participating!

    1. yes, Suey – the mini-challenges really helped me get a lot accomplished, i am planning to keep looking at them post-bloggiesta (both this years and previous lists) to get more done..thank you for hosting

  3. Very neat way to show the challenges done, well done!
    I still need a social icon set like you have at the top, thats something I will finish this evening 🙂

    I'm your newest follower!

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