Loving with negations and more is the theme for this week’s Poetic Sundays.. read on to find out the why and what and how of it.. the when is now and the where is here after all!!
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Poetic Sundays: Loving with Negations and More
My Poetic Sundays this month will be picking the NaPoWriMo prompts on Sundays, and also the April PAD prompts from Writer’s Digest. And while I attempted to see if I could bring some other weekly random event into the fray, I just could not think about any, so for now, it is the two prompts in play. But maybe given the nature of the poem, it could fit into National Love Our Children Day which started off this month (on the 1st of April!)
Loving With Negations
From NaPoWriMo’s Day 16 prompt: Today’s prompt is a poem of negation – yes (or maybe, no), I challenge you to write a poem that involves describing something in terms of what it is not, or not like. For example, if you chose a whale as the topic of your poem, you might have lines like “It does not settle down in trees at night, cooing/Nor will it fit in your hand.”
Writer’s Digest’s APAD Day 16 prompt is to take the phrase “The (blank) of a (blank),” replace the blanks with a new word or phrase, make the new phrase the title of your poem, and then, write your poem. Possible titles might include: “The Beginning of a Story,” “The Wrong Side of a Situation,” “The Apple of an Eye,” and/or “The Latest Excuses of a Continuing Problem.”
The Loving With Negations & the Prompts of the Week!
The Heart of a Mother
Does not stop looking
Through the years and the tears
Through the smiles and the fears
Nor does it not stop beating
With words like ‘mom, something happened.’
The eyes of a mother
Cannot differentiate
Between her young ones
Cannot see their imperfections
(Oh well, wait, cannot not see those
But cannot not stop loving them despite.)
The arms of a mother
Cannot stop hugging
And over worries and aches
Cannot stop a smooth caress.
Cannot stop fussing or itching
To clean up those messes
(But have learned not to bother
And to let those laundry piles gather)…
The voice of a mother (or mine at least)
cannot stop those doses of mom-casm
From slipping through the cracks
Nor can it stop caring whispers
Or a ‘I’m here for you for forevers’…
(And note that this mom did not mention
Phrases of ‘don’t’ ‘no’ or any other negation!!)
~ Vidya Tiru @ ladyinreadwrites
On My Blog & at Home
My recent posts since and including my last Sunday Scribblings. Each letter of the alphabet features a poetic form for the letter as well as one or more books (poetry related).
- The Magic of Moochwala and Musical Mirrors
- Larger than Life Lagaan and Lifeboats With Delightful Cookies
- Kabir: The Mystic’s Master Class to Poetry and Life
- Jagadish Chandra Bose’s Genius Plus a Wonderful Journey From Jazz to Junk
- Invincible Indra: Inspired to Rhyme by Epic Tales- Imagine That!
- Heart Beats for Harihar in Big and Little Poems
- Sunday Scribblings #142: Sonnets and Scrabble Make a Super Sunday
On My Blog & Homefront
More of the same…:) yes, once again.. but a little bit different too as my high-schooler’s spring break is on this coming week so we will spend some time outdoors.. and hope it gets warmer soon.
This Week’s Celebrations
Literary Celebrations (close-to-it also!)
- Literary birthdays this week of April include: Nick Hornby on the 17th of April; Alexandra Adornetto on the 18th; Stanley Fish on the 19th; the 20th celebrates Mary Hoffman, Sebastian Faulks, and Rebecca Malakai; Alistair Maclean and Charlotte Brontë on the 21st; Janet Evanovich, Louise Glück, Henry Fielding, and Vladimir Nabokov on the 22nd; William Shakespeare on the 23rd
- The 18th celebrates National Columnists’ Day
- Chinese Language Day is on the 20th of April
- And National Stationery Week runs April 20th through the 26th.. so stock up on your favorite writing instruments and stationery products…
- It is purportedly the day for sesquipedalians on the 21st, for it is Big Word Day!
- April 23rd is English Language Day, Spanish Language Day, World Book and Copyright Day, as well as World Book Night and National Talk Like Shakespeare Day
Foodie Celebrations
- April 17th is National Cheeseball Day followed by
- National Animal Crackers Day to eat with some cheese on the 18th while
- the 19th of April is National Garlic Day and National Banana Day
- April 20th celebrates National Cheddar Fries Day and National Pineapple Upside Down Cake Day,
- And you can enjoy National Chocolate Covered Cashews Day on the 21st
- It is National Jelly Bean Day on April 22nd. Do you have a favorite Jelly Bean flavor?
- And I know I will enjoy this one – National Cherry Cheesecake Day is on the 23rd
Other Celebrations
- It is Blah Blah Blah Day apparently on the 17th..
- April 18th is International Day for Monuments and Sites, International Amateur Radio Day
- National Look Alike Day is on the 20th of April
- April 22nd is International Mother Earth Day and International Girls In ICT Day
- Get your picnic basket ready and head out, even if only to your backyard, on the 23rd for it is National Picnic Day. It is also National Take a Chance Day
- April 23rd is also Trails Day, which means you could even take your picnic further away from your backyard, if you so wish, so take a chance on it!
Wrapping up my Sunday Scribblings
So dear reader, you have reached the end of this Sunday Scribblings! As always, I welcome your thoughts, comments, and suggestions about this post. And do let me know if you plan to celebrate any of these mentioned celebrations this coming week/month? Will you also end up loving with negations or something similar this week? Or do you have any favorite or fun prompts I can use?
Linking up to BlogChatterA2Z, Blogging from A-to-Z April Challenge, NaPoWriMo, and the Ultimate Blog Challenge
Also linking this to the Sunday Post over at the Caffeinated Reviewer and the Sunday Salon

You are very poetic with your writing! I don’t think that I would be be as proficient writing in that genre.
Thanks for sharing.
Lovely poem, thank you for sharing!! I see that truth in my own mother.
Your writing is often about the amazing strength of mothers, and I think it’s a worthy focus.
It’s an interesting idea—to explain something by saying what it is not.
Your blog post on the complexities of expressing love with negations was thought-provoking and well-written. The examples you provided were relatable and added depth to your analysis. Looking forward to reading more!
I hope the weather is wonderful for their break and you get to spend lots of time outdoors.
WOW! Your poem was just everything. I loved it!! You are very talented.
That’s a beautiful poem about mothers, that bond is so special and sacred you convey that perfectly 🙂
That is definitely what a mom should be. Wish mine was though.
Your writing style is truly captivating, and I really enjoyed reading your latest post on loving with negations. Your thought-provoking ideas and unique perspectives on life and love always leave me with something to ponder. Keep up the fantastic work and keep sharing your brilliant insights with the world!
I am so excited for you about the break and I hope you have then best weather so that you can rally enjoy your moments outdoors! There is nothing that I love better!