Books, Memes, Reviews

Magic Monday – Moth Trees and Magic Rocks

Birds of a Feather‘ and ‘Life is a Bowl of Cherries‘ – a quick and simple introduction to idioms for kids. ‘Birds of a Feather’ has idioms which have names of animals/birds in them like ‘wild goose chase’ and ‘raining like cats and dogs’ while ‘Life is a Bowl of Cherries’ has idioms with food in them like ‘couch potato’ and ‘cold turkey’. The colorful, bright and goofy illustrations help make these books a good read as well. The book also has notes at the end with useful information.
Reread factor: 3.5/5
Reading level: Ages 4 through 8
Rating: B
The Knight, the Princess, and the Magic Rock – This book tells the story of star-crossed love and bravery, of a knight who falls in love with a princess from the land of the enemy, and of a hero who rescues both of them when they need to be saved, and of happily-ever-after, and of course, of a magic rock whose magic can be overcome only by the power of heartfelt prayer.  This story is taken from the ancient ‘Shahnameh’ written by Firdousi and retold for kids. The story telling lacks the beauty of the story itself and is a little too drab for re-reads. But the bright illustrations make up for it and liven up the book. Having the grandfather tell the tale in this book was not needed at all but maybe lets us know there are more wonderful folk tales waiting to be told out there. The book also includes an interpretation of the story which might be interesting to adults but a little too deep for kids.
The book manages to introduce kids today to something as wonderful as the ‘Shahnameh’ but could have done it better.
Reread factor: 3/5
Reading level: Ages 4 and up
Rating: B-
Margaret and the Moth Tree – This book is one of the best I have read in the recent past. Brilliantly written with well described characters, this book is humorous, wonderfully touching, magical, and with a touch of whimsy as well as a dark edge to it. Margaret is a little girl full of pluck, with wisdom beyond her age, and yet remains a little girl who can appreciate the wonders of even the simple moth. How her life’s circumstances shape her character and her special “listening” power help teach kids how life’s circumstances shape each and every one of us. Margaret’s story of triumph with the help of her little friends and each and every page in this book teaches and

The book is short but packs a lot in it and is a definite must-read not just for girls or for kids but for everyone.

Reread factor: 5/5
Reading level: Ages 7 and up
Rating: A+

Disclaimer:Thank you to NetGalley for sending me a digital review copy of all these books reviewed today. I was not compensated for my review. My thoughts on these books were in no way influenced by the author or publicist. They are my personal opinions formed when I read them.Here is a link to an interesting article I read courtesy of a friend who shared it on Facebook about listening.

The books about idioms both go towards my Non-fiction picture books challenge 2012 as well.
The book ‘Margaret and the Moth Tree’ goes towards my ‘What’s in a Name Challenge?’ – book title with a creepy crawly in the title
What are you reading? is a weekly meme hosted by Book Journey.
It is a time when we share what we’ve read, currently reading, or what is up next on our reading list.
Completed reading:
Books reviewed here today

Immortals of the Meluha (review this Wednesday)

Many other romance novels and quick reads as well – will review at a later date.

Currently reading:

Journeys on the Silk Road (Review copy)
Secret of the Nagas (Personal copy)
Fairies at Bedtime (Digital ARC)
Two and Twenty Dark Tales (Digital ARC)
Next to read:
Lots to pick from…
Will restart
Shakespeare on Toast
Something to work towards my reading challenges
My Reading Challenges: I have fallen behind, so behind, on them that it is going to be super-hard getting to completing at least a few of them.  I plan to at least try to overlap the challenges as much as I can and complete them soon.

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