
Tuesdays … are for Top Ten Lists and Teasers..

This week’s Top Ten Books theme over at The Broke and the Bookish is  the top ten books I would want on a deserted island and here is my list ( I cheated, kind of, if you look at my list)
  1. A book that I love to reread – one of the following:
    1. Little Women
    2. Diary of a Young Girl
    3. The Book Thief
    4. Cutting for Stone
    5. Oh! The Places You’ll Go
  2. A book that I have been planning to read forever – one of the following:
    1.  Anna Karenina
    2. The Hunger Games
    3. The Giver
    4. The Great Indian Novel
  3. A romance for those days on the deserted island – one of the following:
    1. The Bridgertons by Julia Quinn — I know this is a series but this is perfect beach reading. Chick-lit, historical romance, comedy of errors – this series is all in one
    2. The Cynster series by Stephanie Laurens
    3. The Hathaways by Lisa Kleypas
    4. Something I have not read yet …
  4. A book to make me smile
    and laugh – one of the following:

    1. Calvin and Hobbes
    2. Three Men in a Boat by Jerome.K.Jerome (I have seen it in many lists of books to make you laugh and this is a TBR for me)
    3. Bossypants (again, lots of good reviews for this book)
  5. A book that might help me survive the situation
    1. SAS Survival Handbook, Revised Edition: For Any Climate, in Any Situation
    2. The Scout’s Outdoor Cookbook
  6. A book I have been meaning to reread from my childhood since it was maybe too early to read it then – one of the following:
    1. A Suitable Boy by Vikram Seth (and it is big enough to occupy me for sometime)
    2. The Count of Monte Cristo
    3. One of many others..
  7. A collection of short stories – one of the following collections;
    1. Great Short Stories of the World – Readers Digest edition
    2. A collection with Saki, O.Henry, Oscar Wilde and Edgar Allen Poe
    3. Roald Dahl Treasury
  8. A favorite book from childhood– one of the following:
    1. Enid Blytons
    2. What Katy Did
    3. Three Fat Men
  9. A non-fiction book thrown into the mix – one of the following:
    1.  Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies  (read it partly before)
    2. The Cruelest Journey: Six Hundred Miles to Timbuktu (will be a reread)
    3. Eats, Shoots & Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to
    4. Outliers
  10. Poetry – one of the following
    1. Any poetry book by Shel Silverstein
    2. Edward Lear
    3. Six Centuries of Great Poetry: A Stunning Collection of Classic British Poems from Chaucer to Yeats

For Teaser Tuesdays at Should Be Reading: This teaser comes from ‘Shakespeare on Toast’ by Ben Crystal – the very unexpectedly entertaining and informative book I am currently reading along with many other books. Also, this teaser is very pertinent to being on a deserted island as well – without the internet, films, and everything else, we definitely need at least the books!!!

 ‘So without the internet, films, television, magazines, and everything else we have at our fingertips available to them, Shakespeare’s audience had an exceptionally open and hungry imagination. They were an audience that would love fabulous, exotic worlds being weaved before them, worlds they’d never experience, people wearing clothes they’d never wear, saying things they themselves perhaps would never get to say.
So that’s what Shakespeare gave them’
– pg 55, Shakespeare on Toast, by Ben Crystal

And with this post for Tuesday, I am glad to be continuing on my quest to post everyday this month for NaBloPoMo.

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