Books, Lists

My Bookish Goals For This Year and Beyond

I did not make any resolutions this year, or generic goals as well. But bookish goals, that is a different beast altogether, and I hope to follow through with my bookish goals for this year better than in earlier years, like this one in 2018 or 2021! Yes, it is time for bookish goals over at ThatArtsyReaderGirl this week for Top Ten Tuesday.

Since this one is not really a goal, or rather an anti-one, I am going to say it here beforehand. No reading challenges for me this year, however tempting they may be (with the exceptions of those quick, short, and fun ones like the #LiveLikeaBookChallenge I did over the weekend!). Oh my! Who am I kidding? I am going to join in a few, and hopefully follow through all the way with them (but also picking only challenges that help me meet the goals I have in mind already!)

So here are

My Bookish Goals For This Year

Climb Mount TBR

So my TBR is, like that of many others, unsurmountable at this time (or seems so at least). And I hope to at least get to base camp even if I cannot reach the summit (which might not happen since I keep adding books to it!).

To help me along, I am joining the TBR Pile Challenge (finally read 12 books on my “TBR pile”). This list of books is from my NG TBR (overdue for reading/reviewing as well), and I have a couple of them with me. As for the rest, I will be begging, borrowing, or … 🙂

  • Little Thieves by Margaret Owen
  • Cloud Cuckoo Land by Anthony Doerr
  • Pencilvania by Stephanie Watson
  • The Nine by Gwen Strauss
  • Firekeeper’s Daughter by Angeline Boulley
  • The Paper Daughters of Chinatown by Heather B. Moore
  • The Girl Behind the Wall by Mandy Robotham
  • All the Impossible Things by Lindsay Lackey
  • Blue Skies by Anne Bustard
  • Babel: Around the World in Twenty Languages by Gaston Dorren
  • The Writer’s Map: An Atlas of Imaginary Lands by Hue Lewis-Jones
  • The Orphan Band of Springdale by Anne Nesbet

Alternates: The Little Paris Bookshop: A Novel by Nina George and Unwritten by Tara Gilboy

Reach the 80% Netgalley Peak!

My Netgalley ratio is so low that I cannot share it here, but it just means that I only have one direction to go – up. So my goal is to get to the 80% mark. First, I need to update all those reviews on NG which I have completed on my blog but failed to update NG. Second, going forward, update NG at the same time I post reviews on my blog/elsewhere. And last, try to reduce the number of requests (try is the key word here) for this year at least to get that ratio up.

One way to help myself – joining the 2023 Netgalley and Edelweiss Reading Challenge. This is also my sign up post. My goal is ‘Silver’ for now and the 12 books in the TBR challenge will start that off.


I am always impressed by how some bloggers seem to track it all and present their year end stats so wonderfully (like AJ at Read all the Things, for one)! While I don’t know if I can do that, I aspire to, and here is to more consistent and efficient tracking. I do have a spreadsheet and NG and Goodreads so will use them all better.

Review Sooner than Later

Well, this is the crux of the problem after all, and a two-step one at that. First, I take too long to get to reviewing a book and by the time I get to it, I find I don’t have enough notes (so take notes as I read) and I don’t remember enough to review. Second, if I do review and post on my blog, I don’t parallelly post to NG/Goodreads most of the time, so I need to do this immediately going forward.

Bookstagram More

I have gotten better last year but seem to have been away from IG for a while now, so consistency here as well this year.

Interact More

with other bloggers, as well as authors and publishers where possible and when possible.

Other Bookish Posts (not just reviews and/or lists)

I have to think of a few ideas for this one, but I hope to do a couple of these each month at the least.

Start Video Posts

This is a long time coming but I want to at least do reels/tiktok videos for books (reviews/other bookish posts) this year, starting next month.

Read Books from My Home Library

I am not picking up any specific books at this time, but I hope to get to the books on my bookshelves this year (those that are most likely feeling abandoned by this time). My plan to work on this is by joining the Mount TBR Reading Challenge at the beginner level of Pike’s Peak: Read 12 books from your TBR pile/s.

The Rest of the Bookish Goals

Work on the project I started during NaNoWriMo; visit bookish places more often; enjoy reading by myself, and with my family; volunteer at the local used bookstore!!

And Now, the End of This Post

Dear reader, what about you? Did you set any goals/resolutions for the year – specific to reading or in general? Do you plan to read more this year? Do join me in the reading journey as I share books and more with you here, and give me your recommendations and tips always!

11 thoughts on “My Bookish Goals For This Year and Beyond

  1. I am keeping track of the books I am able to read in my bullet journal. I’m hoping my husband reads books we already have on our shelves.

  2. I like that you have a plan for which books you want to read this year. This puts you far ahead of most of us in the planning stage for reading. I like your choices. I read mostly non-fiction but will take your lead in making a stack of the ones I want to read first. Very inspirational…

  3. I have to confess… I don’t read nearly as much as I use to so I don’t have any bookish goals. However I keep saying I’m going to start reading again and now that Lia is learning to read, this is a good time.

  4. Firekeeper’s Daughter was one of my favorite books of 2021, and I hope you enjoy it just as much. I hope you can achieve all of your goals for 2023. And thank you for stopping by my blog earlier this week.

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  5. Hey, fellow Pike’s Peak climber! *high fives*

    I love the idea of keeping better track of stats throughout the year. I just figure out all of mine in one fell swoop during my days off in the last week of the year…it’s fun but also A Mountain Of Data to research/work up so some years I don’t end up getting to it. Tracking is a smart idea.

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