Blogging, Current Events, Poetry, Writing

Sunday Scribblings #130: A Terrific Thesaurus in a Teacup

January 18th is Thesaurus Day, and as I write this, I am still smiling about Amelia Bedelia thinking that a thesaurus is another type of dinosaur as she helps out in the library one day!! Having just finished watching the latest installment of the Jurassic Park series (not sure why we watched the whole movie, but we did – kind of like eating a bad sandwich fully because ….), I seem to be seeing dinosaurs everywhere… even including seeing a whole thesaurus in a teacup!! Read on, and you will know what I am talking about..

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Notepad and a pen over it with a cup of coffee next to it. words read Sunday Scribblings, and this is for Sunday Scribblings #130: A Terrific Thesaurus in a Teacup

Poetic Sundays: Teacup Dictionary or a Thesaurus in a Teacup?!

With Thesaurus Day not too far away, I thought that this poetic form is the perfect fit for this week’s Poetic Sundays section. The Teacup Dictionary is simply what it says it is: a dictionary in a teacup, or if we use another word, a thesaurus in a teacup!

What is a Teacup Dictionary Poem?

The teacup dictionary poem was created by Rose Jones in 2009, and is made up of as many lines as the number of syllables in the title word of the poem.

In a teacup dictionary poem, we pick any random multi-syllable word(more than 3 syllables) from the dictionary to be the title. Each following line defines or expands on the meaning of the title word – hence dictionary.

And each following line, starting with the first line – the rim line, drops one syllable per line, reducing until there is a one-syllable word. The last line of the poem – the saucer line – follows that single-syllable word line; and makes an observation about the title word using the same number of syllables as in the title word.

What about the teacup, you ask? Well, the lines are centered so they form a teacup on a saucer (that last line is the saucer!)

A Teacup Dictionary Poem’s Characteristics

So a teacup dictionary poem’s elements are that at its most basic, it is:

  • stanzaic: is a single stanza of ‘x’ # of lines determined by the number of syllables in the title dictionary word
  • syllabic: x/x-1/x-2/… 1/x ; where ‘x’ is the number of syllables in the title word
  • unrhymed (but nowhere does it state, from what I could find, that it cannot be rhymed – so the poet can do what they wish)
  • centered on the page
  • titled: the dictionary word is the title
  • remember to pick a multisyllabic word (preferably more than three syllables) to be the title word.

h/t: AllPoetry

My Teacup in a Thesaurus, or my Teacup Dictionary Attempts


Means eight fields.

~ Vidya Tiru @ LadyInReadWrites

Atmospheric River

Pineapple express!
Tropical plume.
Vapor surge.
Cloud band!
Fresh water transporters!

~ Vidya Tiru @ LadyInReadWrites

And then this last one, a pair of stacked teacups and saucers!


Yes, it means flee!
Cut and run!
It does mean flee!

~ Vidya Tiru @ LadyInReadWrites


On My Blog And the Homefront

Here are the posts since my last scribblings:


On My Blog and On the Homefront

I missed a few days of the UBC due to travel but hope to continue consistently for the rest of the challenge. With rains here for the first half of the coming week, we will pretty much stay indoors for most of the time, but yay to the rain!

This Week’s Celebrations

Literary Celebrations (close-to-it also!)

  • Literary birthdays this week include: Susan Sontag and Rebecca Stead on January 16th; Jan 17th is Anne Brontë, Benjamin Franklin, Michelle Obama, and Javed Akhtar; the 18th of January is A.A. Milne; Edgar Allan Poe, Patricia Highsmith, Pat Mora, and Julian Barnes on the 19th of January; Tami Hoag, Vanessa Diffenbaugh on January 20th; Francis Bacon, John Donne, and Lord Byron on the 22nd of Jan.
  • Book Publishers Day is on January 16 every year
  • January 18th is National Thesaurus Day and National Winnie The Pooh Day

Foodie Celebrations

Other Celebrations

Multi-day Celebrations

And an Un-event

  • Do you want to forego all these observations and do nothing? Well, wish granted, for it is National Nothing Day on the 16th of January!!

Wrapping up my Sunday Scribblings

So dear reader, you have reached the end of this Sunday Scribblings! As always, I welcome your thoughts, comments, and suggestions about this post. Do you own ? And do let me know if you plan to celebrate any of these mentioned celebrations this coming week/month?

Linking this to the Sunday Post over at the Caffeinated Reviewer and the Sunday Salon. And of course to the Ultimate Blog Challenge as well!

teacup with a book open next to it. text on pin says Poetic Sundays: Teacup Dictionary or a Thesaurus in a Teacup?!

15 thoughts on “Sunday Scribblings #130: A Terrific Thesaurus in a Teacup

  1. This poetic form seems like one teachers would enjoy using at school. It has enough structure to make it a fairly easy form to try but it also has enough room within the form for serendipity.

    I’m glad you are happy about the rain. I have been concerned for those I know in areas where rainfall has been heavy.

  2. I really like the idea of a no name calling week. I don’t like being called names so I guess I shouldn’t call other people names. People need to think a little bit more about what it means to be called by rude and even hurtful names. Name calling may seem rather innocuous, but it can have an effect on people for many years.

  3. Your teacup poems are inventive and very entertaining! I enjoyed your post. I had a boss once who loved the word OCTOPORT.

    best… mae at

  4. this is the first time I read about a Thesaurus in a tea cup and it seems so very inventive and clever. Definitely a great way to get a command over the language and polish the English skills

  5. First of all, how have I a true Gen X-er, never heard of Amelia Bedelia and her fun little adventures?
    Looks like I am going to have to get little Ricky some new books!
    Also, sadly I will have to admit that I have never heard of a “Dictionary in Teacup” type Poem but had the “AHA, I Get it” moment when I not re-read the words but stepped back, (actually, I backed up my desk chair) and actually looked at the Geometry of the Words and how they literally drop down like a Teacup and the final line is like a Saucer under the cup.
    I am sure you are like DUH ERIC…I SAID THAT. But sometimes it takes me a moment as we have a newborn & my brain is Mush haha!

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