Blogging, Books, Current Events, Life, Lists, Writing

Sunday Scribblings #69: It Was Supposed To Be Super Seventy

What does today’s blog post title mean? It just means I means I missed the scribblings on Sunday last week.. so this week? It was supposed to be super seventy.. I am taking a break from Poetic Sundays this week as still catching up on the other stuff. But that will be back next week…

Sunday Scribblings #69: It Was Supposed To Be Super Seventy

My Scribblings on Sunday: Starting With … Recently

The Last Two Weeks On My Blog

This fortnight’s posts!!

On the Home Front

Hectic, in its own way, even without scrambling to work on my AtoZ posts. Trips to more college campuses, discussions and then more discussions to narrow it down to the ONE. And yes, we are done, as of a few hours ago! Finally! Whew! Sigh of relief…! More to come on this later.. And my son and I got the first dose of our Fauci ouchies…

And while this was happening, I heard the news of a favorite uncle’s passing. Considering the circumstances (he was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer just a few weeks ago) and given who he is, it brought back all the memories of when my dad passed away in 2018. This uncle of mine: he was a master of words, an English professor, a truly larger-than-life persona, one who will be missed by multitudes. I loved that I could discuss books, reading, and writing with him for as long back as I can remember. Every trip to his town during the holidays would end up with me scouring his bookshelves, never mind that as a little girl looking in the shelves of a professor, I was bound to find books beyond my ken. But he never stopped me and instead would give me recommendations. He was a master of words, and now, words fail me as I look at the void he left in my heart..

But he left behind an enormously magnificent legacy. One that has inspired me for ages, and I hope will continue to inspire me for years to come.

Some of My Instagram Posts


On My Blog and Home Front

Will continue with my A to Z challenge posts; a little bit of poetic potpourri and a little bit of books. And it is spring break week for my teens so we will hopefully work on our garden as a family project over the week!

This Week’s Celebrations

The Literary and Close-to-it Celebrations

Foodie Celebrations

The Other Celebrations

Wrapping up my Scribblings on Sunday

So dear reader, this was it for this post. As always, appreciate and totally welcome your thoughts, comments, and suggestions on these scribblings on Sunday! And which of these days in this wonderful week do you plan to celebrate?

Linking this to the Sunday Post over at the Caffeinated Reviewer and the Sunday Salon

8 thoughts on “Sunday Scribblings #69: It Was Supposed To Be Super Seventy

  1. I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your uncle. One of the wonderful things Mister Rogers did was to ask people to stop and think of people who made us who we are. I can see that your uncle was a person who shaped you into the person you are. So sweet to remember this man with so much fondness.

    I eagerly await hearing about the college decision.

    And I look forward to seeing your next poetry post!

  2. I am so sorry to hear of your uncles passing. It’s a challenging time to lose a loved one and can relate to the struggle as my father in law passed away just before Easter. Stay strong momma.

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