
Tag: My Blog’s Name in TBR Books

As I go forward in my Bookish Summer series, I decided to go through my TBR lists and pick a few that I should get started on reading to reduce that huge number of TBR Books. Yes, I have a few – on a Google spreadsheet, in my NetGalley and Edelweiss ARC shelves, GoodReads, Pinterest boards are the main ones 🙂

And when I found this tag related blog post on Elgee Writes, I realized it was a wonderful coincidence and decided to use this as a fun exercise for today’s post.

The selected books range from children’s books to YA to books for adults and fiction as well as non-fiction. And one of them has been forever anticipated (still coming soon) so you will not really find it in stores anywhere!

While I don’t recall having done too many book tags before, I did have fun doing this. This might just be the beginning of other similar posts!

As for tagging others, anyone who wants to do this can consider themselves tagged!

Rules of this Tag – Blog Name in TBR Books

  • Spell out your blog’s name (and how I wish I had a shorter blog name; on the other side, my TBR is long enough and it is a fun exercise!)
  • Find a book from your TBR that begins with each letter (picking just one for the letters from the books I had was the toughest thing for me)

Note: You cannot add to your TBR to complete this challenge – the books must already be on your GoodReads TBR. And if you do not have a GoodReads TBR, then just use any TBR you have and use the books you already have on that list!

My Blog’s Name in TBR Books





So there you have my blog’s name in my TBR books. Do you have any of these books on your TBR? Or maybe you have read them already? In which case, I would love to get your opinion on them.

Book Mentions/Reviews – Featured Authors

  • Thanha Lai – Inside Out and Back Again – This book is so long overdue for a review; and I am embarrassed to admit I mentioned I will be posting one in this linked post – don’t look for one as you won’t find it (yet!)
  • Khalid Hosseini – The Kite Runner – This is one I finally, sort of, reviewed in my last UBC/A to Z Challenge this April. A book that made me cry…
  • Sue Monk Kidd – The Secret Life of Bees – Another book that needs a review.
  • Elizabeth Acevedo – The Poet X – Oh well! I cannot say anything more than what I have said already on my blog…
  • Gerald Durrell – The Fantastic Dinosaur Adventure – My son’s dino-phase ensured I had these books at home and I enjoyed the dino-reads way more than he did 🙂
  • Malcolm Gladwell – The Outliers – The briefest of mentions that says I want to read it. I did listen to the audiobook in the years in between and truly enjoyed it.
  • Vikram Seth – A Suitable Boy – I read the book years ago, way before my blog was even an idea, so it was not reviewed on my blog or elsewhere. But it is mentioned many a time ….

Thanks to Kirsty over at the BibliophileGirl for this idea of including completed book reviews on my blog for the authors included above (as a weird coincidence, she did this tag exactly an year ago!). And thanks to Gayatri at ElgeeWrites for introducing me to this tag.

And so my bookish summer continues…..

So ends Day 3 of my bookish summer.. as I enjoy visits to and from fellow  UBCers and other blogger friends all around the world. Once again, thank you for your support always!

Here are my previous Bookish Summer posts:

And as I mentioned already, feel free to consider yourself tagged for this book tag if you feel you want to do it….

23 thoughts on “Tag: My Blog’s Name in TBR Books

  1. Does TBR mean To Be Read? If so, most of those are on my RA (read already) list. I do have about 113 books on my list- some of which will never be viewed by my eyes. (I rank them as a I post them- as the list gets bigger, they need a score of 8 or more to be grasped by my fingers.)

  2. This is a cool idea – a fun way to choose the next book to be read. And oh yes! There are always too many books to be read, and not enough hours in the day. 😉 Thank you for the encouragement. Fun always works as a motivator for me.

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