Books, Technology, Writing

K is Kindly: K is for The Kite Runner, Kyrielle, and Keyword

My theme: something about books, something about poetry, and something about tech – QA in specific. And K is Kindly: K is for The Kite Runner, Kyrielle, and Keyword
Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.” -Mark Twain

Entertainment Corner

K is Kindly: K is for The Kite Runner

The Book and the Movie:

The Kite Runner is one book both I and my son(16 yo now) have read. He read it twice (once as part of reading for school, right after he finished reading it a couple of summers ago). It has made a few appearances – brief mentions – on my blog already – in top ten lists and such. In one, I said – I cried a lot shedding silent tears and making my husband wonder what he did wrong! 🙂 This book stays with you for a while; and leaves an emotional footprint on your soul.

The movie had a few redeeming points but it missed a few critical parts of the book that should have made (at least a brief one) an appearance. I liked the movie but…

The Question: The Book or the Movie:

The answer is obvious in this case for me – the book is definitely the winner. What about you? Let me know in the comments below

“Remember there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.” -Scott Adams

Poetry Corner

K is Kindly: K is for Kyrielle

What is kyrielle?

The kyrielle is an old French poetic refrain form that originated in the 15th century with traveling troubadours. It was used Like many of the old French refrain forms, the kyrielle originated in the 15th century. The name comes from kyrie, which is a form of prayer where each section ends with the words ‘kyrie eleison’ (Lord have mercy upon us).

How to write kyrielle?

The kyrielle is rhythmic, syllabic, and a fun form to write. It is written in quatrains (four-line stanzas), and each quatrain contains a repeating line or phrase as a refrain (the last line of each stanza). Each line consists of only eight syllables. The kyrielle can have any number of stanzas with an accepted minimum of three stanzas.

There are many rhyming schemes that are seen in kyrielles and this is completely up to the poet (the only thing to maintain is the last refrain line). Some popular rhyme patterns are:

  • aabB, ccbB, ddbB etc with B being the refrain
  • abaB, cbcB, dbdB etc with B being the refrain
  • axaB, bxbB, cxcB etc with B being the refrain
  • abcD, abcD, abcD etc with D being the refrain
So, the kyrielle has:
  • Multiple quatrains (4 line stanzas) – accepted minimum of three so the refrain is actually a refrain!
  • Each line in the poem has 8 syllables
  • The 4th line in each stanza is the refrain
  • The rhyme scheme is left to the poet – one of the few mentioned above, or any other rhyme scheme. Just make sure you have the refrain!
My example kyrielle:

This one is from a previous post on my blog. I had to make a couple of updates since I had not followed the 8 syllable rule earlier for all lines (crossed out/added as needed). I will attempt to write another shortly in keeping with the spirit of National Poetry Month; but for now, here is the one I already wrote(years ago now, in 2012 actually, but everything still …):

Some more stories courtesy news
Shootings, inhuman acts, abuse
Amidst all this blatant violation
What do we base our faith upon?
Call from school, lockdown mode today
Sign off (your)child-ren; shooting on highway
Girl harassed, more such goings-on
What do we base our faith upon?
Loving tributes, Acts of kindness,
Standing up for right, for goodness
Sweet proofs of love and compassion
This we can base our faith upon.
– ©2019 Vidya Tiru/LadyInRead@LadyInReadWrites
h/t: writers digest, dverse
“You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson

QA Corner

K is Kindly: K is for Keyword Testing

What is Keyword Testing?

Keyword testing uses keywords or action words to develop tests. This uses a table format/spreadsheet to define the keywords for each action that needs to be executed.

Each keyword corresponds to an individual testing action. This could be a mouse click, selecting items from a drop-down list or menu, opening/closing a window, among others. And the test created using keywords thus becomes a sequence of actions.

This concept has its advantages:

  • using keywords/action-words does not require scripting knowledge
  • yet enables earlier/easier automation
  • having keywords reduces duplication (note that this also requires that keywords do not get duplicated) of tests/automated scripts thus reducing the overall costs
  • increases reusability of tests
An Analogy?
While I don’t recall actually using keywords while scripting automated tests, this concept seems like a familiar friend – something I unconsciously used while creating tests themselves. And I also felt there was a relation between how keywords are/should be used and how hashtags are possibly used (since I still not an expert with using #s well).
This is how I see it: Creating the right keyword library and using them correctly will increase the effectiveness of testing; akin to building a library of hashtags to use for your blog or social media. I know I have made the mistake of duplicate hashtags already and just thinking of trying to go back and correct them scares me; but if you have the right set and use them correctly to promote your posts, voila!
h/t and Additional Reading Resources:

h/t: smartbear; wikipedia; tutorialspoint; logigear

Wrapping up the K post

“Because that’s what kindness is. It’s not doing something for someone else because they can’t, but because you can.” -Andrew Iskander

What are your comments or questions about today’s post? I would love to hear from you. Check out previous posts in this challenge using the links below.

Day 0 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6Day 7 

Day 8Day 9Day 10Day 11

Linking up to BlogChatter A to Z, A to Z Blogging Challenge, and the Ultimate Blogging Challenge

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