Art, Writing

Templates That Will Help Write Poems Easily

If you have visited my blog before today, you know I dabble in poetry every once in a while. And I have introduced various poetic forms in my blog as well through my PoeticSundays section as well as an AtoZ exploration earlier. Today I am bringing you a couple of templates that will help write poems easily. Hoping you will enjoy using them for yourself or for the little poets around you!!

I hope to add more poetic forms and templates in my blog over time. And would definitely love to hear your comments and suggestions on the templates offered today.

So this week’s fun celebrations include National Johnny Appleseed Day on the 26th of September and National Math Storytelling Day on the 25th of September. I used this to pick one poetic form; and to write a poem for the other!

The Templates That Will Help Write Poems

The Clerihew

I have written about it earlier here. The template for this form is below. Click on the image to download the Google docs template for yourself (or click here).

Templates That Will Help Write Poems Easily

And this is the Johnny Appleseed related poem I tried writing.

The Fibonacci (or simply, the Fib) Poem

Celebrate Math on Math Storytelling Day or everyday! And writing the Fib is certainly one way to do so. If you are a math geek who happens to enjoy word play or dabbling in poetry, then check out this cool poetic form.

The template is below and here is my earlier post on this form. Click on the image to download the Google docs template for yourself (or click here).

Templates That Will Help Write Poems Easily

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Templates That Will Help Write Poems Easily

And Now, the End of This Post

Dear reader, hope you enjoy using these templates and it helps you or those budding young poets around you try out these fun forms. Make it even ore fun by adding images or using fun fonts. I am still exploring those and will add more here as time progresses.

In the meantime, do you have any favorite fun poetic form? Do let me know. And as mentioned earlier, all and any thoughts and suggestions on this post are truly welcome!

17 thoughts on “Templates That Will Help Write Poems Easily

  1. You learn something new every day! I hadn’t heard of a Clerihew until now! Poems are so much fun. My girls like to make up haikus and limericks just for fun. I’ll have to get them into Clerihews now!

    1. That is lovely! I am sure he will be thrilled and touched when he sees that poem..
      And yes, that is my goal with creating these templates, to try to make it easier for beginner poets of all ages to write one.

  2. Wow! I was actually thinking about how I haven’t written much poetry in my life. I try to dig deeper and figured out it’s because I would feel like I needed to research first. Thank you for sharing these. I will try them out in some personal writing time!

    *also, thanks for making them easy to access.

  3. I have been writing poetry and poems since childhood. But due to work pressure and lack of inspiration, I have completely left this. Thanks for sharing these templates, they are going to help me a lot.

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