Today’s poetic form is called the Nove Otto, and it is a pretty straight-forward syllabic and rhymed form. I am sure you will enjoy attempting to write one. And I also bring to you two very different books for the letter N – one titled Not a Lot of Reasons to Sing, but Enough and another that could be called a rhymer’s regret – Nothing Rhymes With Orange!
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The Nove Otto Poetic Form
What is the Nove Otto Poetic Form?
I found the Nove Otto poetry form, created by Scott J. Alcorn, at ShadowPoetry. As the name might indicate, it has something to do with eights and nines! Simply put, it is a nine-line poem with 8 syllables per line and a simple rhyme scheme.
The Nove Otto’s Characteristics
So the nove otto’s elements are that, at its most basic, it is:
- stanzaic: one nine-line stanza
- isosyllabic: 8 syllables per line
- rhymed: with rhyme scheme aab/ccb/ddb
So this is how it looks
h/t and Further Reading
My Novice Attempt at the Nove Otto
So somewhere along the way, I completely got off tangent from my planned twofer theme. So today, I am making a conscious attempt to twofer it by introducing one of the featured books.
Mis-fit Fruit?
Nothing rhymes with orange, they say
Not one word, not one at all, nay.
So don’t use it when you need to fit!
What about orange, that sweet fruit?
Trying to find a rhyme seemed moot.
It felt left out, a little bit.
All the others, they rhymed in glee!
But apple saw orange unhappy –
and with the rest, raised its spirit(s).
~ Vidya Tiru @ LadyInReadWrites
An addendum tercet to the Nove Otto:
[Does ‘nothing’ rhyme with something else?
Of course, there is more, Google tells.
From bulb to wolf, whole worlds in it.]
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The Books
Not a Lot of Reasons to Sing, but Enough

Title: Not a Lot of Reasons to Sing, but Enough
Author: Kyle Tran Myhre
Artwork: Casper Pham
Publishers: Button Poetry (March 1, 2022)
Genre: Poetry (Teen and older)
Source: e-review copy from NetGalley
Kyle Tran Myhre’s NOT A LOT OF REASONS TO SING, BUT ENOUGH is a sci-fi-flavored exploration of the role that art and artists play in resisting authoritarianism. Featuring new poems, theater elements, and Casper Pham‘s stunning visual art, the book follows two wandering poets as they make their way from village to village, across a prison colony moon full of exiled rebels, robots, and storytellers. Part post-apocalyptic road journal, part alternate universe ode to Hip Hop, and part “Letters to a Young Poet”-style toolkit for emerging poets and aspiring movement-builders, it’s also a one-of-a-kind practitioners’ take on poetry, power, and possibility.
My Thoughts
On Button Poetry
You can watch Myhre performing one of his poems included in this book here. I realize I enjoyed this book even more when I read it out loud, and (tried) to emote like those button poetry performers do. While it is very often prose poetry and most often doesn’t rhyme, what it does have is power. And as I read this book (still not done but will be soon), I found myself first mouthing those words silently and then reading them out loud. But watching Myhre perform one of them as I read it in parallel in the book made the reading experience even more better!
Growing up, I mostly (or rather, only) read poems that rhymed, had regular meter or some easily visible form, and never thought I would be reading something like this in the future, and loving it. Yet, here I am, loving both the classics and the contemporary, the bard and button poetry (both written to perform, by the way), and aspiring to write better each day. Paraphrasing Myhre, (and asking myself, do I even dare to?): “I am not a poet, I am a person who writes poems”
On the Book
As for what the book is about, the description says quite a bit. While I am not a huge sci-fi fan, I love listening to button poetry, which is why I picked this book. I am loving how Myhre subtly weaves in lessons on poetry while touching upon so many of the issues we face in today’s society (but set in a futuristic dystopian society) all while adding strong threads of hope and positivity throughout.
Don’t forget to read the Afterword (or Liner Notes, as Myhre puts it), as well as the amazing Process, Reflect, Create section that includes so much information; that will help you understand things better, on the book itself (themes, motifs, the hows and whys in the book), as well as writing prompts that are sure to spark your imagination.
Get this cool read here
Nothing Rhymes With Orange

Title: Nothing Rhymes With Orange
Author/Illustrator: Adam Rex
Publishers: Chronicle Books LLC (August 1, 2017)
Genre: Children’s Poetry/ Self-Esteem Books (5 – 8 years, and up)
Source: Library
Beloved author-illustrator Adam Rex has created a hilarious yet poignant parable about feeling left out, celebrating difference, and the irrefutable fact that nothing rhymes with orange.
Somewhat zany, absurdly silly, and adorably cute! Orange’s friends happily rhyme (apple grapples while banana parties in cabanas), and orange feels left out – as you can see from the fruit’s running commentary throughout the book.
As the book takes unexpected and even zany yet delightful twists and turns, orange is bewildered, confused, and despondent too (distraught maybe), and readers might feel the same too!! But since this is an adorably cute book as I said at the start, the end is sure to delight you.
While I am left wondering as to the intended audience of the book, considering the wordiness (in length and some of the words themselves – like – there is Nietzsche!!), I am still smiling about it. The book reminds me of all those animated movies that have humor appealing to young and old alike yet differently.
So if you ask me, this book is a-peel-ing from start to end,. Read it out loud with the family or in a classroom. While this means that older readers will need to explain words or Neitzsche to young ones and it will take a while to read, it is worth it!!
In addition, Rex manages to include lessons of inclusion and friendship so very well into the book. Last but not the least, the illustrations are quirky and cute with emotive facial features inked onto photos of actual fruit!
Get it here
And Now, the End of This Post
Dear readers, have you read the featured books? Or any similar reads? I would love to hear your thoughts and recommendations. What do you think about the Nove Otto poetic form? Will you write one yourself?
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Linking up to BlogChatterA2Z, Blogging from A-to-Z April Challenge, NaPoWriMo, and the Ultimate Blog Challenge
I’ve heard that nothing rhymes with orange but your poem says it best!
Poor orange!! Nothing rhymes with orange seems like a sweet book and the other book suggestion is great too. Kudos on your interesting nove otto attempt ! ( Learnt it only on your blog today.)
Thanks for the book recommendations. I’ve not read any of those. Will try out a few soon.
Now, that’s a title that gets attention – Not a Lot of Reasons to Sing, but Enough.
Will definitely refer to your blog when I have decided to revive my poem blog. Crossing my fingers.
I hadn’t heard of the Nove Otto before. And the poem “Mis-fit Fruit?” brought a smile to my face.
Stopping in from A to Z:
I love your poem and am sad that nothing rhymes with orange. I know that the orange is jealous of the grapefruit because the grapefruit finds rhymes right at its root!!!
Oh, I am silly!!! Great blog post. I have, alas, not read any of the books!!!
🙂 you are creative Alice!! And thank you