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Sunday Scribblings #84: Home is a Wonderful Place

My first-born is back home from college for a week long break (Thanksgiving break!) and we initially thought about heading to the drive in, and then decided to stay in the wonderful place that is home. We ended up watching Marvel’s latest offering, eating home cooked comfort food, and simply being what we are – family.

Sunday Scribblings #78: With Love, A Letter to My Daughter

Poetic Sundays: Square Poems

This week, I bring to you the square poem. I was looking for a mathematically inclined poem because November 23rd happens to be Fibonacci Day; for it is 1123 when written in mmdd format! I had already featured the very obvious Fib earlier here so went hunting for a different one and landed upon the right ‘square’ poem. Well, tbh, I kind of mention both the Fibonacci poem and the square poem in an earlier Poetic Sunday as well.

The Square Poem

We have the ‘classic’ square poem which refers to poems where the number of syllables per line is equal to the number of lines in the poem. And then we have Charles Lutwidge Dodgson’s version, or rather the version he popularized, where the number of words per line equals the number of lines. Oh, yes, one more thing, the poem reads the same both horizontally and vertically.

For those who might be wondering (while many of you might already know anyways), Charles Lutwidge Dodgson’s pen name was Lewis Carroll!

This form is rather fitting for this week which also happens to be National Game & Puzzle Week. Trying to write a square poem can be a game in itself, or like trying to decode a word puzzle! Also, just to let you know, this is just part one of a four part series.

So the form’s elements are that at its most basic, the

  • number of words per line is equal to the number of lines in the poem (or rather, either one decides the other!)
  • poem reads exactly the same both the normal way and from top to down per column of words

How to write a square poem

  • Start with smaller poems, like a 2 * 2 square to begin with
    •  For example:

Am I?
I am!

  • Once you have the first line planned, write down those words down the column as well to inspire you to write each of the lines. 
  • Play with the words until they make sense both ways! And they will, eventually!! 

Adding more words….

And then….

  • While this is not the best example, you can make it work, almost. Punctuation helps as well, and correct placement of commas and the rest can add meaning to otherwise nonsensical phrases and sentences

The Wonderful Place
What a wonderful place,
A wonderful place indeed –
Wonderful place it is,
(a) Place indeed is home!

~Vidya Tiru @ LadyInReadWrites

Carroll’s Square Poem

is brilliant of course!!

Iwouldherwillbe pitied!
Cursedbelove!Shepitiedme …

My First Attempts (Kind of Trying to Fit a Square Peg in a Round Hole!)

My second attempt was the one I wrote in the ‘How to Write a Square Poem’ section! This one here was my first attempt 🙂

he loves me
loves me not
me not sure!

References, h/t, and Further Reading

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On My Blog

I could not blog everyday though I had hoped to (as I am in the UBC this month after all!) but here are the posts that did end up here on my blog since (and including) my last scribblings….

And At Home Which is a Wonderful Place Indeed!

As mentioned earlier, my son came home Saturday for the week. Prior to that, well, it is kind of a jumble right now as there were many things going on. And I am glad that we almost got our garage and new garden shed in some semblance of organization.


On My Blog and Home Front

This coming week, I hope to blog every day (with the long weekend which means opportunities to explore locally, I hope to do the impossible and schedule posts ahead!) Well that kind of says it all for both the blog and the home front.

This Week’s Celebrations

Literary Celebrations (close-to-it also!)

  • Literary birthdays this week include: George Eliot on the 22nd of Nov; Nirad Chaudhuri and Robert Towne on Nov 23rd; Arundhati Roy and Frances Hodgson Burnett on Nov 24th; Jandy Nelson on Nov 25th; Marilynne Robinson on the 26th of Nov; Harivansh Rai Bachchan and Kevin Henkes on Nov 27th; William Blake on Nov 28th
  • November 23rd is Fibonacci Day

Foodie Celebrations

Other Celebrations

Week Long Celebrations

Related Books and Reads

Suggestions related to various aspects of today’s blog

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Wrapping up my Sunday Scribblings

So dear reader, you have reached the end of this Sunday Scribblings! As always, I welcome your thoughts, comments, and suggestions about this post. And do let me know if you plan to celebrate any of these mentioned celebrations this coming week/month? If you do write a square poem, don’t forget to share it with me; I know I will love reading it!

Linking this to the Sunday Post over at the Caffeinated Reviewer and the Sunday SalonF

7 thoughts on “Sunday Scribblings #84: Home is a Wonderful Place

  1. I’m hungry and I have French toast in the freezer, so my first thought about celebrating its national day is to have it all day long. Loved the square poems! But no, I will not be trying my own. I’m so glad you have your son home with you this week!

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