
World of Words Wednesday – Goal – Going the Distance to Lose Gained Pounds!

ABC Wednesday is on round 14 and has gained a whole lot of regular visitors who play along every time. I hoped to be one of them about two or three rounds ago but have been playing and off. This time, I hope to play along for the rest of the alphabet at least – small steps. 
So here it is for the letter G – 
Along with memories, this time around on my annual trip to
India for the kids’ summer vacation, I also gained pounds – one for each week
that I was there. I had a few friends tell me that I have gained weight this
time and others tell me that I look fine. A couple of friends who mentioned
this also did say that I look better now than the skinnier (who am I kidding, I
have never been a skinny person!) version of me a few weeks earlier. But numbers
don’t lie – and gained inches and triglycerides means losing something else – a
little bit of health; now I have to put my nose to the grindstone, so to speak, and work towards losing something for a change! I hope to have achieved my goal by the end of this ABC Wednesday round 14. 
I have definitely been gaining a lot of knowledge – how much of it is useful, I don’t know but I do realize it is sometimes contradictory, sometimes just overwhelming, and at others plain not-doable (at least for me). Reading a whole lot of books and articles on how to lose the gained weight, how not to gain weight, how to gain metabolism etc has provided me an arsenal of facts; now I just need to go ahead and do what I can – exercise and eat right. 
Here are a couple of books I am reading currently which did provide me with some inspiration and facts that helped to start off my journey towards my goal. Though I am not strictly following either book (Jackie provides the exact diet to follow for 3 cycles of 10 days should you choose to continue for more than 10 days and the first 10 days have a less than 1000 calories consumed per day – not for me!), I am drawing ideas from both and will share more of these as I go along.
For now,
1. Drink water
2. Get your body grooving
3. Limit sugar (that means no sweets for me – and that is still a tough one as I have sweets remaining from our India trip – a few of my favorite ones) – I am working on this one
For all the wordless Wednesday blogs I linked to (including Aquarium), here is the photo I planned to add yesterday (also added by me on my blog here)

For WondrousWordsWednesday, here are my words for this week (based on some of the words, you can guess they come from the books I was talking about earlier in the post):

  1. mosh :dance violently: to dance to rock music in a
    frenzied way
  2. thermogenesis:
    heat production in bodies: the production of heat in a person’s or
    animal’s body by physiological processes, especially metabolic processes
  3. nutrigenomics: the study of how individual genetic
    makeup interacts with diet, especially the effects of this interaction on
    a person’s health.

9 thoughts on “World of Words Wednesday – Goal – Going the Distance to Lose Gained Pounds!

  1. Reminded my of my goals in different areas….. especially the one's regarding getting my blood sugar under control. I find it easier to meet my goals regarding intellectual / creative activities but somehow I tend to slip ( very badly) on my goals regarding taking care of myself 🙁

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