
World of Words Wednesday – N is for ‘New Looks, New Beginnings’

So I missed the last two weeks as Wednesdays sailed by me and my half-written posts for each day of the week did not make it to my blog. But I had a commitment – I had signed up to be part of the Spooktacular Giveaway hosted by Kathy and that meant I had to put up a post in time. I decided I need to use this opportunity to use the wonderful template I had won a couple of weeks ago (my L post when Lady Luck was smiling upon me – which did not make it here..) in a Bloggiesta giveaway hosted by Aloi at Guiltless Reading and sponsored by Envye (you have to check out the templates she has – it was a tough decision picking one out of all the beautiful ones). So, here I am trying out the new look on my blog. For those of you who have visited before, do let me know how the new look is – as for me, it brings a smile to my face (and am hoping will bring posts to my blog more often than not!!).
So here is my New look for ABC Wednesday‘s letter N. 

A side by side comparison for those who are here for the first time:

And a few more glimpses into another ‘N’- the Navratri doll festival (or golu as we call it) at our home.  While you are here, go ahead and enter the giveaway on my blog currently (and there is a linky to almost 300 other blogs with fabulous giveaways on this hop) – May Lady Luck favor you, me, and everyone!

4 thoughts on “World of Words Wednesday – N is for ‘New Looks, New Beginnings’

    1. Hi Ann, I do celebrate Diwali which is coming this week – Oct 22nd..
      The photos here are of the Navratri Golu…(display of dolls which is part of the Navratri festival celebrations in south India)

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