Books, Lists, Reviews

Books That Are Too Good to Review Properly

So often we run into things that are simply too good to be true, too wonderful for words, and tend to leave you feeling speechless. And when I read books that have that impact, I tend to go one of two routes; either I completely shut up and not review the book at all, or write a whole book about it (well, almost!) In keeping with the theme for today’s top ten over at ThatArtsyReaderGirl, which is — Books Too Good to Review Properly — I am featuring ten books (the ones that first came to mind) that blew my mind!

As I mentioned earlier about such books, some I have reviewed earlier, some I need to read again so I can try to collect thoughts and words about them, others find multiple mentions on my blog and elsewhere, while I am still on the hunt for the right words for the others. This is not to say that the ones reviewed have the right words or enough words, but ….

Anyway, here is my list of

Books That Are Too Good to Review Properly

  1. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
  2. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
  3. Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese
  4. Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
  5. Mother by Maxim Gorky
  6. The Poet X by Elizabeth Acevedo
  7. To Sir, With Love by E. R. Braithwaite
  8. Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
  9. When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanidhi
  10. Zorgamazoo by Robert Paul Weston

And I have to mention that I left out so many books that I really, really, really would have included if I had not decided to stop at ten. I deliberately left out a few but however, I leave you with other lists which mention many of those books 🙂

Image of a colorful top resting on its side with pin title saying - Top Ten Lists: Books That Are Too Good to Review Properly

And Now, the End of This Post

Dear reader, have you read any of the listed books? If yes, I would love to hear your thoughts about them. Which books would I find on a similar list of yours?

8 thoughts on “Books That Are Too Good to Review Properly

  1. The Book Thief is a popular and well-deserved choice this week. It completely slipped my mind. I love Acevedo but I still need to read Poet X. And Little Women is another great choice. I rarely try to review classics because I always feel like everything’s probably been said about them. 😉 Great list!

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