Books, Lists

Most Anticipated Books of the Second Half of 2021

So the most anticipated books of the second half of 2021 can be divvied up into:

  • books that I have been greedily adding to my NetGalley shelf (despite my resolve not to add new books until I get my ratio up)
  • the books that have been on my TBR (and some on my NetGalley shelf) for, almost forever now!

Today’s post for Top Ten Tuesday over at ThatArtsyReaderGirl focuses on the ones that are yet to be published; but never fear, preorder is here!! And then there are those other similar lists I made over the past year and more; I am including those here since I am yet to read many of them and thus they stay on my anticipated reads list 🙂

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Most Anticipated Books of the Second Half of 2021

Books That Will be Published Over the Next Few Months

The Book of Nonexistent Words

The Book of Nonexistent Words by Stefano Massini. Any book that is to do with words tempts me; and this one sounds so very cool. Don’t find a word to fit your thoughts? Or existing words just don’t sound right in your writing? Then use one that doesn’t (exist, I mean!) and does (fit perfectly, that is!!)

Expected publication: October 5th 2021 by HarperVia

Preorder here: Amazon | | Bookshop

The Secret History of Food

The Secret History of Food by Matt Siegel. I love food; and get lost in researching about food every so often. Which is why this book is perfect for me; and for each of you who enjoys reading and/or food. The book description states: “An irreverent, surprising, and entirely entertaining look at the little-known history surrounding the foods we know and love

Expected publication: August 31st 2021 by Ecco

Preorder here: Amazon | | Bookshop

Paola Santiago and the Forest of Nightmares

Paola Santiago and the Forest of Nightmares by Tehlor Kay Mejia. I read book one of this fascinating new fantasy series for 8 – 12 year olds last year (and I am yet to review it). Suffice it to say that I devoured book one (Paola Santiago and the River of Tears).

Expected publication: August 3rd 2021 by Rick Riordan Presents

Preorder here: Amazon | | Bookshop

The Girl Behind the Wall

The Girl Behind the Wall by Mandy Robotham. It seems like I can’t get enough of WWII books; and so of course this one got into my TBR easily. Sisters, WWII, and all that; what more can I ask for?

Expected publication: September 7th 2021 by Avon [Note: there also seems to be a July publication date.]

Preorder here: Amazon | | Bookshop

Encyclopedia of Ordinary Things

Encyclopedia of the Ordinary Things by Stepanka Sekaninovai. I admit it; the cover grabbed my attention while the title intrigued me. And I found myself realizing that there are times we do wonder about those everyday things, but just momentarily, and then get on with using those things and forget to wonder. This book is sure to be interesting! Another related read, which I read two summers ago: The Brief History of Everyday Objects

Expected publication: 05 Oct 2021 by Albatros Media

Preorder here: Amazon | | Bookshop

A Woman of Intelligence

A Woman of Intelligence by Karin Tanabe. Historical novels are among my favorite (well, who am I kidding? I keep saying this about many many genres!) Anyway, love the color(s) on the cover – my favorite color.. and the description pulled me in.

Expected publication: July 20th 2021 by St. Martin’s Press

Preorder here: Amazon | | Bookshop

Iron Widow

Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao. Not a book I would normally pick; so this one is something of an aberration on my list. But the combination of the description, the cover, and the reviews by other advance readers tempts me; and so here it is.

Expected publication: September 21st 2021 by Penguin Teen

Preorder here: Amazon | | Bookshop

The World’s Most Pointless Animals

The World’s Most Pointless Animals by Philip Bunting. How could I resist this book with such a title? Tell me you are not tempted now!! A children’s book, yes, but one that I am sure I will enjoy reading and learning from! I always love quirky books with quirkier titles…Another book I read but forgot to review (looks like) is Weird and Wonderful Animals that I read as part of the Cybils Awards readathon as a round one judge. As a side note, that was a wonderful experience I hope to repeat this year.

Expected publication: July 20th 2021 by Happy Yak

Preorder here: Amazon | | Bookshop

The Heart Principle

The Heart Principle by Helen Hoang. Looks like this is #3 of the series. Anyone know if we need the other two before? As I have been wanting to read Hoang, I can start with this if it can be read as a stand-alone; or maybe I am adding two more books to my TBR by adding this one! 😉

Expected publication: August 31st 2021 by Berkley

Preorder here: Amazon | | Bookshop

Three Sisters

Three Sisters by Heather Morris. Again, book #3 of a series I am yet to read. In this case, I had been meaning to read The Tattooist of Auschwitz since the time I first saw it; and now I just need to get to all three books one by one.

Expected publication: October 5th 2021 by St. Martin’s Press

Preorder here: Amazon | | Bookshop

Other Similar Lists I Created Over the Last Year!

AKA Anticipated Books ….. For a While Now

A Pin For You!

A STACK OF BOOKS AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PIN WITH TITLE 10 Most Anticipated Books of the Second Half of 2021

And Now, the End of This Post

Dear reader, have you read or heard of any of the featured books? And what about the books mentioned in those other linked posts I wrote earlier? What are your favorites among those books (if you have read them)? And any recommendations of similar books? What are your most anticipated books currently? Do let me know…

20 thoughts on “Most Anticipated Books of the Second Half of 2021

  1. I love how you are intrigued by books by their covers and designs. I am too! That children’s book about pointless animals sounds fun!

  2. I like everything about food so I might as well try to check the History of Food and what was food before. For sure many interesting facts will be there that I’m not even aware of. Thanks for sharing

  3. I want to read Three Sisters! I may pick that one next time it is my turn to pick a book club book! We already read The Tattooist of Auschwitz and loved it so would love to read something else by the same author!

  4. What a great set of books to look forward to! The Book of Nonexistent Words sounds like a lot of fun, and I’m intrigued by the Paola Santiago series—I heard the author, Tehlor Kay Mejia, speak at a panel about a YA novel called Miss Meteor that she co-wrote, and she was quite interesting to hear from! Thanks so much for the great post!

  5. Thank you for sharing this list, there were some that I had never even known about but looks very interesting and I will be adding some of them to my reading list.

  6. Thanks for these book suggestions! I will be looking into that Encyclopedia, it’s always interesting to me to find books that are non-fiction, it always satisfies my curiosity! 🙂

  7. Great lists of books. The book of Stefano Massini entitled The Book of Nonexistent Words and the Secret History of Food by Matt Siegel gets my attention, and they look so interesting for me to read.

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