Books, Reviews

Book Review: Grimworld

As I mentioned earlier on my blog, this month is TeenTober, and of course, Halloween is not far away if you are someplace where costumes and candy rule the store shelves currently! So, I am trying to feature books that fit in either one or both of these categories. Today’s featured book ‘Grimworld’ fits both categories. While it is more of a middle-grade read, younger teens and even YA readers will be sure to appreciate the world-building and characters in this book.

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The Book Review


grimworld mini reviews

Title: Grimworld: Tick, tock, tick, tock
Author: Avery Moray
Publishers: Our Street Books (Nov 1, 2019)
Genre: Children’s Fiction (middle-grade)
Source: NetGalley eARC

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Every day, thirteen year old Henry Bats has his usual bowl of Sugar Slugs, helps tend Cobalt Sidewinders at Frank’s Peculiar Pets, and keeps to himself with his comic book collection. Just your typical day in Grimworld, where the sky is always dark and shadows lurk in the streets. What’s not typical is a suspicious Nightspook luring Henry into a cemetery in the middle of the night with the promise of a prized comic book.

My Thoughts

A world of grays, blacks, purples and some whites too, with pops of reds, dingy yellows and the like. A world where that lamp in the sky is a myth. A world where mysterious, magical creatures like the Nightsnoop are the norm. That is Grimworld. You will love exploring this fantastical world and its creatures as you go on an adventure with Henry Bats and his hodge-podge team to claim their time back, literally!

While I truly enjoyed the tale, and the pace keeps the reader on the run, I would have appreciated a pause in the telling here and there – I feel this story needed some places to focus on things (like those cool concepts and characters that appear throughout) other than ‘what next’.

But that said, it is an inventive premise with the right amount of scariness for those who fear to read a scary story . It also adds on elements of friendship, family and being resourceful. All of this together make it a great read for its intended audience.

In Summary

With Addams Family, ‘A Nightmare Before Christmas’, and Coraline vibes, this book offers readers of fantasy and middle-grade creepy books something fun and inventive to enjoy.

Rating: 4/5
Reading Level: Middle-grade and up
Reread Level: 3/5

Disclaimer: Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for the digital review copy. These thoughts are my honest opinions of the book.


I have been remiss in posting for Inktober but finally got a few. There are some WIP (for the days I missed) but they got simply … well, they will see the light of day in due course.

Here is one I posted over the last few days:

And Now the End of this Post

My previous posts for this month are below. Playing catch up by posting more than one post is the way to get this done now! My Inktober posts – well, they are starting to make appearances on Instagram and here as well! My InktoberWritersEdition still is finding its way out to the light.

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