Today, we’re diving into how my reading habits have shifted over the years, with a nod to where it all began and a wink at where it’s going. Once upon a time, I was … But as life took its twists and turns, so did my relationship with books, though not my love for them.
This post goes towards Top Ten Tuesday hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. This week’s topic is How My Reading Habits Have Changed Over Time
The Things that Stayed the Same

I read whenever I can, as I used to from as long as I can remember.
And I re-read some of my favorites whenever I can as well.
Bookish places and people intrigue and interest me instantly!
What has changed
While I still love the charm of the physical book (nothing can beat it after all), I do tend to read more books on my phone now than anywhere else. The convenience for me, the instant access to so many books on that little device is super-useful and cool!

Between wanting to get out of my comfort zone, and also the fact that I have more access to more books, I am reading more variety than before.
More at a time. While I don’t recall whether I read multiple books at a time when I was younger (like in school), I most certainly do so now. And read many books at a time consistently!
From reading for myself, and then for my kids to reading with my kids and reading what they recommend/vice versa, to once again reading for myself (well that part was always true – but the percentage now of the other stuff has reduced). (Though I do hope to do more of the family-book-club-style reading whenever we can).

What I Want to Change
I want to review more of the books I read. While the goal is to review most of them – maybe some just a word/sentence long at least – for now, I will settle for about half! As of right now, it is a measly unquotable percentage.
I want to figure out a way to keep track of my books without getting stressed over it, without it feeling like a chore. Still looking for that magical way to do it 🙂 This is simply because…
Be conscious and make notes of stuff as I read, like the interesting quotes/words/facts. And remember that I did that when I review/mention books later. I do highlight those in some of the ebooks (which is one useful feature for sure) but most often, forget to go back and use them when I mention/review the book!
Related Reads and More
- 5 Habits Book Lovers Share (Or Have Become Better At!)
- Things Bibliophiles Do When Someone Says They “Hate” Reading
- When Reading to Them Changes to Reading With Them: Magical
- The Ultimate Joy of Reading Together, Always
- 10 Things That Will Make Me Want to Read a Book
- She Reads…They Read…
- 13 Tips To Motivate Your Teen to Read (for it is TeenTober after all)
And Now, the End of this Post
Dear reader, how have your reading habits changed over the years? What is one major change that has happened, and one you would like to see happen?
Over the years, my reading habits have shifted quite a bit. I used to have more time to dive into long novels, especially by my favorite author, Stephen King. Now, with a busier schedule, I rely more on audiobooks and e-books to squeeze in reading time. One major change has been focusing more on shorter reads, like articles and blog posts, because it’s easier to fit into my day. I’d love to get back to dedicating time for uninterrupted reading sessions, especially for those longer King novels I miss! !
I started blogging just to keep track of what I was reading. I don’t like to reread because I feel like there are just too many books. I enjoy the process of blogging so I felt it was a great solution. It doesn’t sound like I read nearly as much as you though.
I took notes for the first ti,e on my last book. It was very helpful to write the review.
A lovely post. I agree with basically everything! I was dead against digital books but now I have the app on my phone I read Kindle and Library books on there a lot 😶
In terms of reviewing, as soon as I finish a book I review it. I don’t start a new one until the review is done 😂 my memory these days couldn’t cope with that. I am hoping that my baby brain will go away at some point. My youngest is now 15 months 😶
I keep a list of what I read on Goodreads. My one fear is that Goodreads will break one day 😶
Have a great week!
My reading habits have not really changed. I like the same genres as I did when I was younger, but now the books are more complex. I did read romance for a while when I was younger, but now it has to have something else going on to keep me interested.
Rereading is one of life’s greatest pleasures in my opinion. I feel like I haven’t done enough in the last year, but when I do, I truly enjoy the time. I hear you when it comes to reviewing. I used to be so good at staying on track, but these days I don’t review as much as I want to. Hope you can find a great balance in regards to reviewing.