Blogging, Current Events, Life, Lists, Poetry

Sunday Scribblings #189: Melodies of the Pathya Vat

May is AAPI Heritage Month and with that in mind, today I bring you the melodious pathya vat from Cambodia.

Wishing all moms everywhere a Happy Mother’s Day (celebrated on the second Sunday in May in many nations around the world). Here are a few poems to help you bask in the joys of motherhood, and a few children’s books to enjoy the day as well with your little ones.

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Notepad and a pen over it with a cup of coffee next to it. words read Sunday Scribblings, and this is for Sunday Scribblings #189: Melodies of the Pathya Vat

Poetic Sundays: Recitations: The Melodic Pathya Vat

May is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. With that in mind, I bring you the melodic Pathya Vat from beautiful Cambodia for Poetic Sundays.

So What is the Pathya Vat?

The Pathya Vat is a minimalistic Cambodian verse form. It has four lines of four syllables each, where lines two and three rhyme. We can make longer poems by chaining them together, and in these poems, the last line of each stanza rhymes with the second and third lines of the next.

The Pathya Vat’s Characteristics

So the Pathya Vat’s elements are that at its most basic, it is:

  • stanzaic: made up of one or more stanzas of four lines (quatrains) each
  • syllabic: each line has four syllables
  • rhymed: lines two and three of each stanza rhyme; in addition, the last line of each stanza rhymes with the second and third lines of the following stanza

This is how it looks:



References, h/t:


My Pathya Vat Attempt

Family Ties
What’s family?
This is one
definition –
Life’s chosen ones!

Fathers daughters
Mothers and sons,
Starts of sweet once
Upon a times.

What’s family?
Where happy chimes
Join life’s sour limes
In laughs and tears.

Doting parents
Drive away fears
Over the years
Guiding with care

Adoring kids
Knowing love’s there
With lots to spare
Near or apart.

What’s family?
Home hope hugs heart!
Love’s work of art..
Life’s vital part!
~ Vidya Tiru @ LadyInReadWrites


At Home and On My Blog

It has been a hectic week for all of us at home, with work, AP exams, and such. Some gardening and taking care of the plants as summer heat suddenly showed up 🙂 While I hoped to be able to see the northern lights everyone was posting about, we could not do it in the end. So maybe a trip to the far north is in the future to see it in person there (a girl can dream, can’t she?!)

Just a couple of posts made their way here:


On My Blog & Homefront

Hopefully a post or two and watch something grow in my garden!

This Week’s Celebrations

Literary Celebrations (close-to-it also!)

  • Literary birthdays this week of May include: Daphne du Maurier on May 13th; Jennifer Niven and Robert Owen on the 14th; L. Frank Baum and Lauren Hillenbrand on the 15th of May; HE Bates on May 16th; Gary Paulsen and Grace Lin on May 17th; Bertrand Russell and Lionel Shriver on the 18th; Jodi Picoult, Nora Ephron, Ruskin Bond, & Girish Karnad on May 19th
  • May 15th- 21st – is National Stationery Week
  • May 16th is National Biographer’s Day

Foodie Celebrations

Other Celebrations

Wrapped Up: My Sunday Scribblings

So dear reader, you have reached the end of this Sunday Scribblings! As always, I welcome your thoughts, comments, and suggestions about this post. And do let me know if you plan to celebrate any of these mentioned celebrations this coming week/month?

Linking this to the Sunday Post over at the Caffeinated Reviewer and the Sunday Salon

cambodia temple and pin title says The Melodic Pathya Vat

14 thoughts on “Sunday Scribblings #189: Melodies of the Pathya Vat

  1. Your insight into the Pathya Vat and the beautiful poetry really brightened my Sunday. Also, those upcoming celebrations got me excited for some fun family activities and maybe even some baking.

  2. Happy Mother’s Day too! This is my first time to hear about Pathya Vat and I think your attempt is awesome. Thank you for sharing your beautiful poetry with us.

  3. I appreciate the lists of literary, food-related, and other fun celebrations this week and month. It’s great to have such a vibrant array of occasions to observe and reasons to celebrate!

  4. This is very very interesting! I am not familiar with this for of poetry but I love poetry in its all shapes and forms, love it.

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