So this is the time of the year when I do a reflection post on the AtoZ Challenge; and this time I just happen to be reflecting on one challenge while working on another; the one I am working on is the UBC (Ultimate Blog Challenge) that I have participated in several times already (it is quarterly and I try to join in as often as I can).
Now, getting back to….
Reflecting on the AtoZ Challenge
What did I do right?
Well, I completed the challenge!! Though some posts made their way to the world a day or two late even, I finished it on the 1st of May (a day later but..)
And you can find all of my PoeticPotpourri AtoZ Posts here: Poetic Journey From Alliteration to Zeugma

As far as commenting, I tried to comment on anywhere between three to six posts for the AtoZ specifically each day I posted (since I also participated in the BlogChatterA2Z blog hop, and take part in a couple of other blogging groups, that number varied).
Regarding the double-down challenge, here is what I attempted/did work on (in addition to trying to comment on more posts than I did in previous years)
- Mix a second blog hop in during the A to Z Challenge –> did this with the BlogChatterA2Z Blog Hop
- Add 5-second to 30-second videos (shorts) to your posts –> Added videos to about one-third of my posts
- Get your daily posts links on two or more social sites (Twitter, Facebook, Insta, Pin, etc) –> FB, IG, Twitter, and Pinterest
Thank You
To all who visited and commented; since there are many across all the different groups, I will just say a GREAT BIG THANK YOU to everyone; since your comments are what keep me going!!
What I Need to Do Better
- Comment-Wise: Respond to comments on my blog. I started off pretty well but considering #2 on this list, I stopped responding at some point. So I hope to get to that over the next few weeks.
- Post-Wise: Every year, I plan to have my posts scheduled; and every year, I write my post (even think about what to write) the day before (and sometimes, the day of). When will I learn? I hope by next year’s challenge!
- Visits-Wise: Will join the Road Trip to do more justice to blogs I have not been able to visit/comment on …
What I Loved
Like I mentioned in my previous reflection posts, I love the challenge itself, and the community that it builds each time. And I discovered so many new wonderful blogs and bloggers, reconnected with some I will hopefully continue visiting this time around.
There is so much more and …..
My Previous Reflection Posts Say It All and then Some More Too
- Reflecting in 2017…
- AtoZ Challenge Reflections in 2018 –> where I actually did an A to Z reflection post, one thought for each letter of the alphabet!!!
- Reflecting on Challenges in 2019
- Reflecting on Goals and Challenges in 2020
The A to Z Challenge 2021 Scavenger Hunt
Here’s how I did (considering I played catch up often, and sometimes I did not comment on those specific posts but other posts on the blog)
A is for — Apple 🍏
B is for — Bear 🧸
C is for — Cobweb 🕸
D is for — Dragon 🐲
E is for — Evil 👿
F is for — Flowers 💐
G is for — Game 🎲
H is for — Hat 👒
I is for — Island 🏝
J is for — Jewelry 💍
K is for — Key 🔑
L is for — Leaves 🍂
- (leaves not as plural of leaf but leaves anyway!!)
M is for — Men 👬
N is for — Nuts 🥜[Not sure if qualifies, but something related]
- (Nutella is hazelnut spread, hazelNUTS!)
O is for — Orange 🍊
P is for — Pen 🖊
Q is for — Questions ❓
R is for — Rainbow 🌈
S is for — Scissors ✂ [Not sure if qualifies, but something related]
- Nothing directly; but I am hoping talking about a seamstress qualifies since a seamstress, well does use scissors!!
T is for — Tiger 🐯[Not sure if qualifies, but something related]
- The only tiger I found was at
- But maybe there was a cat somewhere for a T post? That might have worked too, in a way….??!
U is for — Uniform 💂
- Does a costume count as a uniform? If so, then here is the Underdog!! At
- And a soldier in his uniform in a photo of this post:
V is for — Velvet 🧶
W is for — Whale 🐳 [Not sure if qualifies at all, but something in the realm of huge sea creatures!!]
- No luck finding a whale in the posts I read; will a walrus do by any chance?? If yes, then here it is:
X is for — X-ray 🦴
Y is for — Yellow 💛
Z is for — Zipper 🤐 [Not sure if qualifies, but something related]
- (Not really zipper, but just zip)
- (Not really zipper again, but unzipped!)
And Now, the End of This Post
Dear reader, did you participate in the AtoZ Challenge? Or are you part of the UBC? Or participating(ed) in other challenges? How do you see yourself through to the end of blogging or social media challenges? What keeps you going? What tips can you offer to others, including me?! Do let me know!
You found far more scavenger hunt words than I did! I enjoyed reading your reflections post and hope to catch up with more of your posts later.
Congratulations Alice! I enjoy challenges and after completing them it brings excitement. But there are times when I feel I need to take a challenge break but I just can’t stop. Glad your back at the UBC!
Hey, Vidya, I admire your blogging prowess. I’ve only participated in the Ultimate Blogging Challenge, and it took me many attempts before completing my first one. This month’s is the third one that I resolve to finish. Happy blogging!
Great recap! I have thought about joining the Ultimate Blog Challenge but found that there were a lot of spam type blogs signed up. Have you found that to be true? I actually did accomplish some of the double down items now that I see them listed here. Thanks!
Hey Vidya, Congratulations on finishing this challenge. It sounds like you learned something. I am interested in hearing more about this challenge. How often does it run and where can you find information about it?
Congratulations on completing the AtoZChallenger2021! Yes, each year begins with so many sincere plans. I had most of my daily articles scheduled before April 1, and set a goal to visit ten new blog sites per day plus the ones of bloggers who visited me. Of the total participants on the list, I only managed to visit through #155 plus others I came across in comments on other posts. I also did the scavenger hunt but missed 6 words – thanks for filling in 5 of them for me! (fyi: I posted “Whale Migrations Between Alaska and Hawaii”.) Still don’t have the key to doing everything but look forward to next year.