Books, Lists

Top 10 Fictional Bookworms

It has been a while since I participated in a Top Ten over at That Artsy Reader Girl. With my bookish summer going on; my need to schedule my posts for this whole week which I never got around to doing; the theme for this week – character freebie; and the fact that I kind of had a draft (sort of) – I had to do this for my Tuesday post – Top 10 Fictional Bookworms.

Image includes vintage depictions of ladies reading and has title of Top 10 Fictional Bookworms

Top ten fictional bookworms

  1. Hermione – Harry Potter
  2. Anne – Anne of Green Gables
  3. Elizabeth – Pride and Prejudice
  4. Jo – Little Women
  5. Liesl – The Book Thief
  6. Scout- To Kill a Mockingbird
  7. Rory – Like Mother, Like Daughter aka Gilmore Girls
  8. Belle – Beauty and the Beast
  9. Hazel – The Fault in our Stars
  10. Sara Crewe – A Little Princess

And how can I not include Matilda from Matilda….

Thus continues my bookish summer as I trudge up and down, back and forth hiking for wondrous wooded miles early in the day and explore relaxation and the various classes the scouts have in the afternoons 

8 thoughts on “Top 10 Fictional Bookworms

  1. I have read (or in the case of Rory) seen all of these women/girls! Rory was actually the first one that came to my mind.

  2. I always enjoy reading about bookworms, because it’s usually pretty easy to see myself in them. :3 I always enjoyed Scout and Hermione, and I haven’t read The Book Thief yet, but from what I’ve heard, I’ll love Liesl, too. And of course there’s Belle, who was probably the first unapologetic bookworm I’d seen in a movie, which was totally cool. xD Great post!

    Here’s my TTT post.

    1. 🙂 i am guessing you are talking about that little fat guy who chews through pages then.. but if not, I would definitely to learn about more people who fit the category of bookworms… After all, the more the merrier..

  3. Great list! Several of these bookworms would be on my list, too. And since I am a bookworm, myself, it’s always nice to be reminded of other ones, even if they are fictional.

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