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R is to Rejuvenate

All this time, and one of the better uses we can put it to is to rejuvenate ourselves! Some quick tips to do so:

  • Rejuvenature! Step outside, even if on your patio or balcony or your backyard. A little fresh air does a lot of wonder!
  • Step outside the box, out of your comfort zone. Listen to music you would not normally listen to, and dance to a different tune. Or pick a different form of exercise than you normally do.
  • Play, find your inner child. Hopscotch your heart out; get out the crayons and color outside the lines;
  • Make a care package – for yourself. Think of the little things that make you smile, or things that bring you comfort – maybe your favorite perfume, a flower that you dried between the pages, print out a favorite pic (in passport size), an actual list of things you love, and put them together in a box you love.
  • Breathe in, breathe out, and notice your breaths.

“Shutting off the thought process is not rejuvenating; the mind is like a car battery – it recharges by running.” – Bill Watterson

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The Books

The Rations Challenge

Book Info

Title: The Rations Challenge: Forty Days of Feasting in a Wartime Kitchen
Author: Claud Fullwood
Publishers: Lion Books
Pub Date: 15 Jan 2020
Genre: History | Nonfiction (Adult)

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My Thoughts

I loved this book. I picked it up because it seemed so apt for the times we are in, and found myself getting more out of the book than I expected. This book is a history lesson, a lesson in rationing (of course), a recipe collection, a memoir of sorts, a notebook to and a reflection of ourselves in today’s global situation.

The author decided to challenge herself to live on wartime rations for six weeks (for Lent). As I read the suggestions, I realized that we already follow many of those in our home. While I am unlikely to do the challenge itself, the book turned out to be a fount of inspiration and information for me.

The first few chapters take us through the author’s personal experience as she took on this challenge. Each of these chapters has one section for each day: diary entry for the week, a then and now section to put today in context with wartime, suggestions for self reflection, and further suggestions and tips for what we can do to as we buy, prepare and enjoy our food.

Another chapter includes personal accounts of people who lived through rationing during various times of their life, specifically WWs, and provides an insight into a life that is still true for so many around the world today. The reasons might be different, but the reality is the same. And help us react accordingly, and with reason.

The next two chapters include wartime recipes and useful tips, and a seasonal calendar. Note that this calendar applies to the UK, but we can always look for what is seasonal and local in our area.

The author’s personal insights are thoughtful, heart-warming, humorous and delightful. I also loved the inclusion of quotes and snippets of information, as well as tips that are sprinkled like mini-appetizers or those tiny desserts that will fill you up as you read them. References and further reading resources are also included, which are sure to be useful for the inspired and curious reader.

Last but not the least, the drawings and photographs (all in black and white) add to the charm of this book.

In Summary

From its introduction to the conclusion, The Rations Challenge is a very timely, beautifully inspirational and truly informative book. A must-read!

“… we are all in this together, and that we can help each other through. That is a beautiful thing.”

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Book Review: The Rations Challenge

R for rejuvenate

Disclaimer: Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for the digital ARC of the book; these are my honest opinions after reading the book.

Running Wild

Book Info

Running Wild : Awesome Animals in Motion

Title: Running Wild : Awesome Animals in Motion
Author: Galadriel Watson
Publishers: Annick Press
Pub Date: 14 Apr 2020
Genre: Children’s Nonfiction | Science
Age-Range: 7-11 years (and older!)
Source: NetGalley

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My Thoughts

The book is organized into six chapters based on the different ways animals move. I love the creative chapter titles like Land Crossings for those that walk or hop, Keeping a Low Profile for those crawlers, Staying Sky-High for well you-know-who, and Underwater Experts for those in the depths of the waters.

Watson effortlessly engages the reader from the very start, and teaches the basics of biomechanics while ensuring there is enough information for older readers too. I know I learned a lot here that I did not know before. Relating the mechanics of motion in animals to mechanics elsewhere gives a better and clearer understanding to the reader. For example, the book explains how a hoverfly is like a car because it uses clutches that engage/disengage to flap or make its wings still; or how turtles flip over by using the same principle as the lever.

Samantha Dixon’s colorful and detailed illustrations help enhance this understanding. Together, the text and drawings make this book an excellent and fun learning resource. And you will discover fun facts, new words, and much more!!

And love how it ends with an author’s note that tells the reader how we can use what we learn from biomechanics in multiple other ways to make our lives more efficient, effective, and interesting! The author leaves us with these wonderful words – ‘Keep wondering….. keep watching…. keep learning!’

In Summary

A great book for all those young readers who love animals, science, and learning.

Get it Here

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Book Review: Running Wild

Disclaimer: Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for the digital ARC of the book; these are my honest opinions after reading the book.

“Sometimes the most important thing in a whole day is the rest we take between two deep breaths, or the turning inwards in prayer for five short minutes.” – Etty Hillesum

My ‘R’ Book Stack

My R Book Stack

The Books

  • Remember Me
  • The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
  • The Red Pony
  • Ruined City
  • The Really Stupid Joke Book
  • The Rupa Book of Love Stories
  • Radio Comedy 1938-1968
  • Reading Lolita in Tehran
  • Running the Amazon
  • The Room of Many Colors : A Treasury of Stories for Children
  • Riddles
  • Russian Folk Tales
  • Russian Fairy Tales
  • Reader’s Digest Book of Facts
  • Rubber Band Powered Flying Machines
  • Rules of Thumb
  • Rocky Mountain Rescue
  • The Right Stuff
  • Rebellious Desire

Quick Notes

All the books I have read above (in bold) are collections of stories, facts, riddles etc, and I have not read the book from end to end. But Russian folk and fairy tales and more have been a favorite from forever for me. While The Room of Many Colors is indeed a treasury.

Random Thing(s) for ‘R’rejuvenate Day

Words again to rejuvenate your vocabulary!

  • A retronym is a newer name for an existing thing that differentiates the original form or version from a subsequent one. Check this out for a list of retronyms.
  • Definitely would love to be described as riant by people who know me! Riant is from the French rire, which means to laugh. When said of a person or a person’s manner: mirthful, cheerful, smiling, light-hearted. When said of place, landscape or view: having a pleasant appearance, looking bright or cheerful
  • And this word helps me continue my theme. Riddle-me-ree is a noun that means nonsense; rambling or meaningless language, or it could also refer to a riddle, a puzzle, or an enigma.

And now, the end of this post

So, dear reader, as always, a couple of questions for you. Have you read the pictured ‘R’ book? Do you have interesting ‘R’ words or facts for me?

“We must always change, renew, rejuvenate ourselves; otherwise, we harden.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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3 thoughts on “R is to Rejuvenate

  1. I am not quite sure that house arrest is akin to a wartime kitchen, but I’ll check it out. I am always looking for great cooking ideas. (It’s why my recipes are searchable- I can punch in a few ingredients and get surprised at the menu choice that meets the objectives.)

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