In the year 2020,
if predictions from past futurists had turned true, we would be zipping and zooming between planets, not needing to actually eat food (goodbye resolutions!) but instead sustaining ourselves with the help of smart nanobots! I found a few lists of predictions that were an interesting read – containing both the far-out ones that we are still dreaming about and those that (kind of) came true. You can check them out here or here if you are interested.
But in the meantime, in the year 2020, we can definitely work towards making the best of those predictions true, and trying to ensure the bad ones don’t (to the best of our capabilities and for those that we as humans can have some control over)
And now, back to …..
Tomorrow is back to school day after the holiday break of two weeks. And the first Sunday of the year and the decade. It is definitely going to be tough getting back to routines! But I know I am looking forward to it.
Holidays are some of the most wonderful times of the year, and sometimes also the toughest. For they arrive with the unique setting to create new and beautiful memories, and to dwell on treasured memories of your loved ones, including those you have lost, but they also bring that bittersweet pain of missing those lost ones.
I still miss my dad, and on many occasions, like when I listen to a favorite song of his on the radio, or recently, even to Adam Levine’s ‘Memories’, I find myself teary-eyed, smiley-faced, and that-hug-around-my-heart-feeling all at the same time. And while I wish he and others whom I miss sorely were with us again, those feelings I talked about also want to make me ensure I work to create wonderful memories for the future by enjoying the present moment with my loved ones today, make me ensure I treasure the time I have with family and friends, and cherish them for who they are.
So here is to cherishing loved ones – all of them, the ones we have and the ones we lost – always – with intent, with joy, with love, and make every moment count.
Flash-Back to Last Week
What I Did
I started on UBC once again (and when I went to check my last one since I thought I had made a note of how many times, I had written – xth time) for the (x+1)th time!
It was the beginning of the year and the decade as well – so resolutions were made.
A list of reading challenges I hope to finish this time around were posted.
Managed to post #photoaday posts everyday on Instagram and here is today’s
And since it is National Bird Day, here is another bird pic for all of you. This one instantly brings me joy

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Things Literary
Isaac Asimov would have turned a century old this past week – on Jan 2nd, actually (which is also celebrated as National Science Fiction day annually in the United States). And another author enjoyed his birthday in Middle Earth on the 3rd of January – yes, I am talking about Tolkien.
So I am guessing that the time between 2nd and 3rd January is when scifi meets fantasy! 🙂
Here are a few scifi picks for/from me.
Dear reader: What are your favorite scifi and fantasy reads? Do let me know.
What Next
All those book reviews that I have in mind. Keeping up with my resolutions. as well as blogging and blogging related tasks. And yes, I am starting two classes again this quarter at the community college and looking forward to more learning as well.
In addition to review posts and #photoaday, I had other bookish and non-bookish posts in mind that hopefully will find their way out here this coming week.
Wrapping Up My Sunday Scribblings
So, there it was, a wrap up of this last week and a bit more. As I continue posting for this month, I hope to introduce you to more wonderful reads; and glimpses of my photography attempts(old and new, based on the prompts and rules) via my #photoaday posts!
Linking this to the Sunday Post over at the Caffeinated Reviewer
And Now…The End (of this post)
My previous posts for this month are below.
You may have forgotten to post but it was worth the wait! I have the same memories of my mom and dad when I listen to music! I forgot it was bird day, me the one the enjoys taking photos of birds!
Thanks so much Martha! I love seeing all the photos you post and your noting the day it is so often..
Good luck with your classes this semester. I look forward to taking some classes in the future. I’d especially love to take a writing class.
I also like #photoaday. Your birds are fabulous. I need to give that a try. Maybe #photoaweek, for now?
Have a great week!
Thanks Deb, day one of one class done and it was fun.. I invariably tend to be the oldest in the class by a mile but love the energy in the classroom. One of my classes is a fiction writing class and I am going to get started on it tomorrow so you might see some of that on my blog here
#photoaweek works too and i am guessing mine might taper to that every once in a while 🙂
“Sci fi meets fantasy” was funny. It has been a while since I visited your blog but here I am and I am glad that you are still posting. I do have those moments about people who I have lost too. But I am ensuring that I will be focusing this year more on my family!
Hi G, nice to see you always and I know it’s been a while since I visited your blog too
🙂 it was just one of those weird things you notice.. and i am wondering what a conversation between the two would have been like..
It was worth the wait. I am taking part first time and i am definitely not able to do it properly. Loved your post and look forward to keep this connection going.
Thank you Urvashi… definitely looking forward to keeping the connection going – this is one of the best parts of the UBC for me – forming new connections and maintaining ones made before..
The only sci-fi I’ve read from your list was Ready Player One, but I really liked it. I also LOVE book/movie pairings, and they’re both good 😉 Happy New Year!
Thank you and Happy New Year to you too Becky, book/movie pairings are always wonderful for me too.. I did a whole month of them in an earlier challenge month.. 🙂