This was supposed to be a Sunday Scribblings post. It still is titled that but it just happened to tumble into this Tuesday this week 🙂 Do you have that happen to you too, when days just tumble into each other?
In my last Scribblings, I talked about the many predictions for the year from years past. Some are plain wacky, while others are still scifi and some others, well, I don’t know if anyone will need them.
And while we are not zipping and zooming anywhere like the Jetsons yet, we do have many cool inventions that are in the works or already there if you want it and definitely not scifi.
Note: none of these are affiliate links. I enjoyed these discoveries and so sharing them with you.
Smart jackets, anyone? Now your clothes will be touch screen! Google’s Jacquard is working with brands to incorporate tech into clothes and accessories to make them smart. Your jacket sleeve will alert you of an incoming call or the appointment you made for 4 pm. Listen to your favorite song or answer that umpteenth text. Stay real, says this new wear, via your favorite (now digital) accessory.
Or Welt the belt to help you keep your New Year health resolutions!
Last Week
Managed to post #photoaday posts everyday on Instagram and here are a couple of them.
Upcoming On the Blog
- Wednesday, Jan 15: Book review of Emma Lord’s upcoming debut book, Tweet Cute, as part of the blog tour (thanks to Wednesday Books!)

And on the other days this week:
- Deal Me In # 2: My second short story for the year.
- Mini Book Reviews Ed 2: more picture books?
- and more..
Things (Mostly) Literary
Literary celebrations coming this week
18 – Winnie the Pooh Day – (re)read your old copy of Winnie the Pooh or watch one of the many The Mini Adventures of Winnie the Pooh on Youtube. I cannot decide on one favorite character still, even years after I first was introduced to this bear. Some days it is Winnie, on others it is Eeyore, and still others …
Do you have a favorite Winnie the Pooh character?
18 – National Thesaurus Day (Peter Mark Roget’s birthday) – Pick up a thesaurus or go online, and discover new words to celebrate this.
And speaking of Winnie the Pooh and National Day celebrations, here is one quote that makes me smile and the celebration coming this week perfectly matching the quote
“People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.”
—Winnie the Pooh
January 16th is celebrated as, you guessed it, National Nothing Day! (Oh well, I know I can do nothing; but that day, ‘nothing’ is out of the question)
Wrapping Up My Sunday Scribblings
So, there it was, a wrap up of this last week and a bit more. As I continue posting for this month, I hope to introduce you to more wonderful reads; and glimpses of my photography attempts(old and new, based on the prompts and rules) via my #photoaday posts!
“You’re braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think.”
—Christopher Robin
Linking this to the Sunday Post over at the Caffeinated Reviewer
Here are my previous posts for the month:
- Mini Reviews: Picture Books
- Life is a Circus
- How Impressions Transcend Time
- My Lit List: 3 Free Reading Websites for Kids
- The Rocking Horse Winner
- Sunday Scribblings #20: In the Year 2020, We Will
- 2020 Reading Challenges – Join the Fun!
- Resolution – a firm decision to do or not to do something
- A Resolution To Keep the Resolutions We Make
- On the First Day of the Decade, My …
Beautiful photographs and yes, there are definitely days that would go on and on forever with my scribblings if it weren’t for the fact that I fell asleep and the endless today became a tomorrow.
thanks Alice! and 🙂 to the endless todays