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U is Unique

Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken.” This is a quote I have heard so many times and believe in truly and completely. Each of us is truly one of a kind, and sometimes I wonder why we are always trying to fit ourselves in a common mold, when the uniqueness is what makes us, us. Our genetics and our life experiences, all that we have been through, seen and done, each of these things makes each of us unique!

So let us embrace being unique.

“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” — Dr. Seuss

The Book

Under My Tree

Book Info

Title: Under My Tree
Author: Muriel Tallandier / translated by Sarah Klinger
Illustrator: Mizuho Fujisawa
Publishers: Blue Dot
Pub Date: April 14, 2020
Genre: Juvenile Fiction / Nature & The Natural World / Environment
Age-Range: 3 – 8 years
Source: Edelweiss

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My Thoughts

Under My Tree is a sweet book of a city girl making friends with a tree near her grandparents’ house in the country during her vacation. She visits her tree everyday, and with each visit, she discovers new and fascinating things about her(the tree). The little girl also eagerly introduces others to her new friend whenever she can. And when she has to head back to the city at the end of her vacation, she knows she will return to her tree soon.

The text (translated from the original French) is sweet and easy to understand. Additional leaf-shaped sidebars on many pages provide tree facts, tips, and suggestions for activities, that enhance the book.

And the illustrations are so charming! The colors are cool and bright, and I loved the depiction of the heroine of this book – she is truly adorably portrayed on each and every page, inspiring me to try to sketch and color something, anything!!

In Summary

A great book to teach little ones about the importance of trees, and to treat them as friends.

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Book Review: Under My Tree

Disclaimer: Thank you to Edelweiss and the publishers for the digital ARC of the book; these are my honest opinions after reading the book.

“The things that make me different are the things that make me.” —A. A. Milne

My ‘U’ Book Stack

The Books

  • Uh-Oh : Some Observations from Both Sides of the Refrigerator Door
  • Uglies
  • Understanding Physics
  • Uncover the Human Body

Quick Notes

While I have just four books (or maybe more!) for this letter, I have read and enjoyed 75% of them! While I read only part of the first book – which is a collection of essays (or observations, as the title says) – I enjoyed what I did read. Uncover the Human Body was a Half Price Books find and is an amazing 3D look into the body and its workings. And the Understanding Physics book is a truly fascinating and informative read. I enjoyed what I read of it, in spite of the fact that physics is my least favorite science subject!!

“The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique.” — Walt Disney

Random Thing(s) for ‘U’ Day

Have you ever seen that little empty space above the liquid level in a bottle? It is called ullage. And maybe you have found yourself on your front porch with a bottled drink with an ullage while staring at the underbreet just after the ughten hour. Note: underbreet refers to a bright light appearing under clouds at the horizon, and ughten means the part of the night immediately before daybreak.

Or maybe you are contemplating turning to ufology since you most likely spotted something strange on the horizon, something alien? You see, ufology is the study of, well, UFOs! And you might decide to make some notes in your journal with your favorite pen, if you can just find it. Since you always use only that pen to write, you will be called a unistylist (ie a writer who prefers to use the same pen)

And I had to include this word because I .. well, let the word speak for itself. The word is unasinous, and it means sharing the same amount of stupidity; displaying ignorance or foolishness by all. As in, “Both of you are unasinous, so stop arguing about who’s stupider!”

And one last word from the past to continue on that theme I had going: ubble-gubble, which means nonsense or gibberish.

“Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.” ―Margaret Mead

And now, the end of this post

Dear reader, what are the ways you celebrate being you, being unique?

“You were born to be an original. Don’t die a copy.” —John Mason

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11 thoughts on “U is Unique

  1. I adore your posts – I love vocabulary words! Despite appearing ubiquitous, I continue to purchase unctions and use them unsparingly in my pursuit of the fountain of youth

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