Art, Books, Lists, Travel

5 Literary Landmarks in the San Francisco Bay Area

Books, books, and more books. I see them everywhere. Like up in the sky sometimes!

literary landmarks
‘Language of the Birds’

And therefore I am glad that there is so much to explore, literally, of a literary nature in the place I call home 🙂 Here are just 5 of the many, many literary landmarks to enjoy in the San Francisco Bay Area as you travel from the North Bay (north of San Francisco) southwards. This post is most likely the first of a series (that I will write at random times).

Note that I am yet to visit all of them but they have been in my to-do list for a while. And will definitely check them off the list one by one as we play at being tourists in our area going forward 🙂

Literary Landmarks to Love

From Sunday Comics

First up, in the North Bay – the Charles Schulz Museum in Santa Rosa. I have mentioned this a couple of times in my blog already. And while this is but a small museum that most likely can be covered in a half-a-day’s visit, there is something about Schulz that keeps calling my name.

To Treasure Island

All things R.L. Stevenson RLS’ impact is all over the Bay Area (and around as well). But I hope first to see a couple of sites dedicated to him up in the North Bay. Now I know that the North Bay warrants another visit(or two) – to see the Robert Louis Stevenson State Park and the Robert Louis Stevenson Museum .

From City Lights

City Lights Booksellers and Publishers in San Francisco – This is one literary landmark that finds itself in umpteen lists of top 10 bookish/literary sites across the nation. Now how did I miss this on our visit to the city a few weeks ago? We walked the streets of the very neighborhood and I missed this?! I am guessing I can blame it on our stomachs – we were hungry and the amazing aromas on the streets of the North Beach area did not help a bit 🙂

To the Call of the Wild

Jack London Square in Oakland, mainly Heinold’s First and Last Chance divebar where London is supposed to have spent time doing his homework everyday and also wrote most of White Fang (according to the proprietors) while sitting at the tables (which are still the ones he sat on) at Heinold’s. I know I need to go see this ASAP!

And Finally Back Home

In my backyard (kind of): the Martin Luther King Library – specifically the Recolecciones . While I have been to the library a couple of times (it is not exactly next door though we share the city as part of our address), I did not know about this treasure. Discovering each one of artist Mel Chin’s artwork spread all over the library will definitely provide to be delightful – for anyone (me, me, me) who loves books and treasure hunts and clever art!

With a Bonus to Boot

Robert Frost’s birthplace is marked by a plaque in San Francisco. (yes, he was born in the city by the bay)..

The photo that appears at the beginning of this post is one I took of one of the many such installations across San Francisco. It is part of the IlluminateSF Project and is called ‘Language of the Birds‘ – open books flying like birds above, and words scattered on the ground below them. I missed seeing those words that night but will ensure I do so next visit.

What about you, dear reader? What are your favorite local literary landmarks? I would love to explore them on the chance I am around ..

And so my bookish summer continues…..

This was for Day 20 of my bookish summer.. as I take a blogging journey along with fellow  UBCers and other blogger friends all around the world. Once again, thank you for your support always!

Here are my previous Bookish Summer posts:

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