Entertainment Corner
N is Nifty: N is for Nim’s Island
To be honest, this letter totally stumped me. There are a few books made into movies from this letter, including – The Notebook (but I don’t recall watching the movie or reading the book – I know, I know), Neverending Story (did not read the bookS), and then there was Nothing Lasts Forever (this book by Robin Thorp was the basis for Die Hard but I don’t think I read this book).
I finally picked Nim’s Island – a book that I had not read but one I was able to get a hold of and read quickly for this post; and the movie – we had watched not too long ago so I could recall enough to write about.
The Book:
Nim’s Island – the book is a quick read about a little Robinson Crusoe who is definitely a resourceful, brave, adorable girl. With just three main characters, well four more if you include Fred, Selkie, Galileo and Chica, and under 300 pages, this book is still a treasure. With email and satellite dishes and cell phones and laptops, the story of Nim is kind of relatable to today’s kids, while maintaining a stranded in a remote island story. A little bit of Crusoe, some Swiss Family Robinson, and some of Home Alone and a whole lot of a wonderful girl called Nim make this book a cool read.
Some random phrases from the book..
Nightmare pictures sneaked into Nim’s head
You’re living in my tomorrow….
As if a giant had a tantrum
The Movie:
Nim’s Island – the movie – I enjoyed the movie but I did not like that it downplayed Nim’s bravery a bit. And of course, like any other book to movie adaptation, there are other differences too but the storyline is faithful to the book. The animal cast is amazing, as are the human cast. The location is beautiful, idyllic, just the sort of remote island anyone would like to get themselves stranded on and protect from trespassers.
The Question: The Book or the Movie:
Oh well, the answer is obvious again here – though the book was short, it so much sweeter(and better) than the movie (in spite of Gerard Butler)
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“Peace begins with a greeting of Namaste.”
― Debasish Mridha
Poetry Corner
N is Nifty: N is for Nonet:
What is the Nonet poetic form and how to write it?
Nonet – noun: a combination of nine instruments or voices, or a group of nine people or things, especially musicians. Also : a musical composition for such a combination. From the Italian nonetto, from nono meaning ninth, from Latin nonus.
The history/origins of this poetic form are unclear but based on its structure and the meaning of the word above, it most likely was another of the many poetic forms inspired by music.
Simply put, the nonet is a nine-line poem that starts with a 9 syllable line and ends with a one syllable line, with each line in between counting down the number of syllables by one. It can be written on any subject and rhyming is optional.
So, the Nonet:
- is a nine-line stanzaic poem, i.e. can have one or more stanzas of nine lines each
- is syllabic, with 9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 syllables per line from 1 to 9.
- does not need to rhyme
My example Nonet:
So here is my example, one that can use some updates still but for now….
Wintering Spring
Spring loves playing hide and seek, it seems
Winter wear stored in, out again
Bright sun in sky; via streams
Nay, cool curtains of rain
Buds wait in sweet dreams
Of birds and bees,
Summer breeze
Shade trees
h/t: Writer’s Digest, PoetryMagnumOpus, Merriam-Webster
Don’t tell your friends about your indigestion.
“How are you” is a greeting, not a question.
– Arthur Guiterman (for namaste – greeting)
QA Corner
N is Nifty: N is for Negative Testing
What is Negative Testing?
Break it to make it. That is kind of the theme of Negative Testing. It ensures the stability of the application in all scenarios; and that the application can gracefully handle invalid inputs or unexpected user behavior. Negative testing is also called ‘dirty testing’ and when done right, it helps identify any weaknesses in the application and ensures that the application either exits gracefully or throws a valid message to the user in error/failure scenarios.
Some examples of negative testing include:
- entering numeric values in text fields and vice versa
- entering more (or less) characters in a field than allowed (required) – for example, if a field has a set length of only 10, enter more than 10 in it; or if a field has a minimum required length of say, 8 (like password fields), enter a lesser number of characters
- entering a value lesser/greater than allowed in a numeric field – for example, if a numeric field has a requirement of values between 1 and 10, then enter values lesser than 1 or greater than 10 to check
- and so on….
The expectation is that invalid inputs, unexpected clicks/user behavior do not cause the application to crash or hang or do any other unexpected application behavior (like allow the invalid inputs/behavior).
Further reading resources (and h/t):
Wrapping up the N post
Okay I honestly have never heard of the book or the movie. I think my boy would like it though!
This blog post was very delightful
sponsored by the letter N
I do prefer reading books
to seeing the movie
makes images
so bizarre
I think I remember Nim’s Island a little bit. I know I haven’t seen the movie. It would be fun to read/watch both with the kids!
I’ve never read Nim’s Island. I’ve not seen the movie either. Great post.
N’s need a nifty nod
Great post! I love the idea you have to review and book and a movie. And your blog title is clever indeed. But I also learned something—I have never heard of a Nonet. Having loved poetry writing since childhood I’ll have to give one a try.
Never heard of the movie or the book! But they look sweet 🙂 Great post!
I’ve never heard of Nim’s Island, but will be checking it out!
Namaste – with an Añjali Mudrā. I’ve never encountered Nim’s World so my start starts here. I have seen and read Neverending Story – plus acted in an amateur production of the same author’s The Grey Gentlemen; Momo in the original German. I won’t attempt a Nonet as yours is perfect.