
Poetic Potpourri From A to Z: Revealing the Theme

I have given it thought, pondered endlessly in fact, mulled over options from A to Z; finally I decided on an A to Z Poetic Potpourri as my theme for this year’s A to Z Challenge. And looking back, I surprised myself when I realized that I have been doing this every year since 2017 now!!

So here I go preparing for another year and here is my theme reveal post. I initially thought that I might stay away, but a friend from another challenge group inspired me to give it a go. These posts will also go towards the BlogchatterA2Z 2021 challenge.

Poetic Potpourri From A to Z: Revealing the Theme

While I am still working on the letters (tbh, yet to start on them and just have faint ideas for a few), I am hoping that this Poetic Potpourri theme will help me work out the kinks and gaps I currently have in my brain.

My Previous Theme Reveal Posts

What is Potpourri?

From Merriam Webster’s definition, a potpourri (n) is a) a mixture of flowers, herbs, and spices that is usually kept in a jar and used for scent b) a miscellaneous collection

I do love the word potpourri, and I love that this makes my theme alliterative…

So this brings me to my

Poetic Potpourri from A to Z

For those of you who visit my blog regularly, you know I enjoy poetry. I started my Poetic Sundays as an attempt to share that love with all of you, and to hopefully help those who want to learn in the process. I will be continuing my Poetic Sundays through this challenge (for it won’t interfere anyways!)

But that love for poetry as well as the fact that I wanted to do something to celebrate National Poetry month is the reason I decided on this theme. As the word potpourri suggests, I plan to have a miscellany of things to do with poetry as the month progresses. I am sure I will be surprising myself with the choices for each letter considering I have just an inkling of an idea at this time.

Check out other bloggers for both the Blogging From A to Z April Challenge and the BlogchatterA2Z-2021.

A Poetic Potpourri From A to Z: Revealing the Theme
A Poetic Potpourri From A to Z: Revealing the Theme

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