I avoid looking at the grim statistics for the most part, not because I want to hide from them or put my head under the sand like an ostrich, but because the numbers make it my way whether I want to read or hear or see them anyways. I instead chose to focus on the other things that warm my heart, make me smile, and give me hope that when we do step out again, it will be the return to a better world.
Those stories of clearer waters, flourishing fauna and flora, clear views of skylines and far off mountains due to cleaner air, and even wildlife roaming city streets – they are all signs of that better world! I can definitely hear birds around my home throughout the day now, compared to before when I could hear them most during the dawn and dusk hours.
Dear reader, what have you seen around you that shows the positive aspects of the lockdown?

Poetic Sundays
Balassi Stanza
The Balassi stanza form is attributed to Bálint Balassi (1554 —1594), who is recognized as the outstanding Hungarian lyric poet of his time.
What is the Balassi Stanza poem and how to write it?
Balassi is believed to have taken a three line form consisting of 19 syllables and breaking it up with internal rhymes, thus creating the Balassi stanza or verse form. Simply said, it has nine lines that rhyme bbaccadda with syllable counts 667667667.
My Example Balassi Stanza Poem
When my asked my daughter to make up a poem (and it was not for this form), she started rattling out the first two lines below; and then I realized it fit the syllable count and rhyme scheme at least to start with!
Mom Hugs
The sun is warm and bright
like when mom holds me tight
all the times i need it most.
She hugs me in the morn
and when the night is born –
makes me feel in love enclosed.
My moms hands cool and calm,
like the moon’s soothing balm
drives away things that hurt most.
– vidya tiru
Last Week
On My Blog and Home-front
Gardening: We did some more on the gardening front (Well, our backyard) and stood in line at the Home Depot to get in an out as we picked out some flowers to brighten our yard some more (our roses do a pretty good job of it already) as well as vegetables for our completed raised bed.
And our roses are finally blooming!!

My Most Recent Posts
- V is for Volunteer
- U is Unique
- T is for Together
- S is for Smile
- R is to Rejuvenate
- Q is for Quiet
- Sunday Scribblings #29: New (Becoming) Normal Now(?)
Here are a few selections from my insta-feed this past week.
On My Blog and Home-front
Hopefully seeing these challenges to the end – whether by posting my blogs at the beginning or at the end of each day. And catching up on commenting and interacting with others on the challenges some more this coming week.
And those celebrations…
There are many fun celebrations this coming week. Here are a few for you.
- Have fun reading out stories to each other at home; or make up one and tell it to others via social media, maybe right on your blog, since it is National Tell a Story Day on the 27th of April. #NationalTellAStoryDay
- Pick a favorite poem to read out loud or share one with others on National Great Poetry Reading Day, which is on April 28th. Use #GreatPoetryReadingDay.
- So many heroes to celebrate everyday, and even more so now as they all help us to return to a better world while being in the frontlines; and then we also have National Superhero Day to do so on April 28th. #NationalSuperheroDay
- National Peace Rose Day is celebrated on the 29th as well; and I think one of the roses in my garden is the Peace Rose.
- If you love dancing or watching dance, then another reason to do is International Dance Day on the 29th of April
- Some more baking to do and enjoy on the 30th of this month with National Oatmeal Cookie Day!
- And if you want to drink something with those cookies, mix it up a bit with some boba tea since the 30th is also National Bubble Tea Day. I know my kids will be thrilled to have both of these!
- And watch a Bugs Bunny cartoon while you enjoy your tea and cookies, as it is also National Bugs Bunny Day on April 30th.
- Now comes May, when the 1st is National Mother Goose Day. What are your favorite rhymes from Mother Goose?
- Have some parfait your way on the 1st which is also National Chocolate Parfait Day
- And then burn those calories off with your favorite form of fitness on National Fitness Day – First Saturday in May
- And if you have never tried it before, now might be a good time to get started on scrapbooking. It is National Scrapbook Day on the First Saturday in May
- And last but not the least, celebrate Love everyday and on the 1st of May, which is recognized as Global Love Day
Wrapping up my Sunday Scribblings
So dear reader, this was it for my Sunday Scribblings. I would love to hear your comments on my post and if you had any favorite from the posts this week. And which of these days do you plan to celebrate (or any other)? Any thoughts about the return to a better world?
Linking this to the Sunday Post over at the Caffeinated Reviewer and the Sunday Salon.
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Linking up to the April A to Z Blogging Challenge, and the Ultimate Blog Challenge (click on the images to learn more about these challenges)
What a beautiful poem hour daughter wrote! I too like to dwell on stories of beauty and positive things, leave the negative behind. We have been doing a lot of gardening, I can’t wait to unveil my latest garden creation, I named it the Reflection garden. I didn’t realize tomorrow is Tell a story day, I should have had Lia tell another story. But my tomorrow’s blog still fits in sorta. Have a wonderful week!
My dear friend, I have noticed that people seem to be a little kinder in these times.
thanks so much, Brenda, and love reading your comments and posts
The bird songs delight me. It is sweet to see the deer crossing the road in the morning. Everything seemed slower and more peaceful.
Definitely true about everything being slower and more peaceful..
I like how you have tightly organized your life with challenges in these days. The organized days give your life a nice structure, and you see progress each day toward meeting your goals. Each challenge is concrete and real, not abstract, and I think that helps, too.
I’ve been completely caught up in my cough for the last couple of weeks, and I feel like I haven’t accomplished things like I enjoy doing. I am going to do better this week now that I am (hopefully!) feeling better.
Love the flowers and butterfly. I have witnessed people being kinder to cashiers and essential workers. Also, the generosity of authors, museums, plays etc to share their work for free to everyone during these times.
My roses are getting ready! The stems are green and we’ve got a few leaves. Hopefully the flowers aren’t long to follow. Speaking of more wildlife during lockdown, we now need to watch where we step – the street in front of our house has some seriously large goose droppings! LOL