Zest is defined as “an approach to life with anticipation, energy and excitement.” Zestful people tend to be happier, and their enthusiasm leads them to enjoy the everyday moments, be it work or pleasure or service.
“In bad times and in good I’ve never lost my sense of zest for life.” – Walt Disney
Zest is one of the 24 character strengths in positive psychology, and definitely an important one. Do you know someone who is zestful, maybe it is you yourself?! But if you think you need more zest in your life (and not the orange rind kind), then you will be glad to hear you can increase your zest by a few easy methods, a few of which include:
- Savor the everyday moments filled with thises and thats, and savor those quiet moments in between.
- Take care of your body by exercising, sleeping well, and eating well (of course, drinking enough water too)
- Cultivate and strengthen relationships: Make new friends while maintaining the bonds with your old friends and your family.
- Experience and enjoy nature
“Cultivate the habit of zest. Purposefully seek out the beauty in the seemingly trivial. Especially in the trivial. The colors and shapes of the foods you eat. The shadows a vase makes on your table. The interesting faces of the people on the bus with you.” – Karen Salmansohn
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The Books
Zero the Hero
Book Info

Title: Zero the Hero
Author: Joan Holub
Illustrator: Tom Lichtenheld
Publishers: Henry Holt & Company
Pub Date: February 28th 2012
Genre: Children’s Non-fiction
Age-Range: 6 – 10 years
Source: Library
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My Thoughts
Zero the Hero is a punny and educative look at the number zero. Zero goes on a journey of self-discovery after realizing the other numbers do not think as much of Zero as Zero does. The other numbers realize the importance of Zero soon after Zero is gone, and as they chat about how they miss Zero, in comes a raiding army of Roman numerals, and soon they are in trouble. Who will help them, I wonder??
Anthropomorphized numbers, number puns, basic math concepts, and cool illustrations make this book a great addition to classroom and home libraries of young readers. While some of the puns and the concept of Roman numerals might not be understood by the youngest readers, parents/teachers can easily help with those.
In Summary
Definitely not a whole lot of nothing, this Zero is so much more!
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“What hunger is in relation to food, zest is in relation to life.” – Bertrand Russell
Zero is the Leaves on the Tree
Book Info

Title: Zero Is the Leaves on the Tree
Author: Betsy Franco
Illustrator: Shino Arihara
Publishers: Tricycle Press
Pub Date: September 8, 2009
Genre: Children’s Non-fiction
Age-Range: 5 – 8 years
Source: Personal eLibrary
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My Thoughts
Zero is the Leaves on the Tree is a very zen look at zero. By focusing on the absence of the everyday things children will most likely notice, this book emphasizes and approaches zero in a very different and understandable way.
One example from the book says that zero is the number of kites in the sky when the wind has stopped blowing. These various examples easily lend themselves to discussions on how and why there are zero of anything in each example, as well as have readers come up with their own examples inspired by the book. For example, zero would be the number of cookies in the cookie jar
Shino Arihara’s illustrations are charmingly sweet and make a perfect accompaniment to the gently flowing rhythm of Betsy Franco’s text.
In Summary
A sweet read with beautiful illustrations and a unique look at the number zero for young readers.
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“Zest is the secret of all beauty. There is no beauty that is attractive without zest.” – Christian Dior
My ‘Z’ Book Stack
Oh, simply focus on the one starting with Z!!! I have made it easier with that second pic for you!

The Books
- Zlata’s Diary : A Child’s Life in Sarajevo
Quick Notes
Really quick too – have not read this!
Random Thing(s) for ‘Z’ Day
Once again, I bring to you a list of the words and their meanings:
- zabaglione: an Italian dessert that is sure to be yummy!
- zeugma (noun): a figure of speech in which a word applies to two others in different senses (e.g., John and his license expired last week ) or to two others of which it semantically suits only one (e.g., with weeping eyes and hearts ).
- zigzaggery (noun): A zigzagging course or method or route
- zill (noun): finger cymbals used in belly dancing
- zoetic (Adj):of or relating to life; living or vital. I think zest is zoetic!
“True happiness comes from the joy of deeds well done, the zest of creating things new.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupery
And now, the end of this post
So, dear reader, as always, a couple of questions for you. Have you read the pictured ‘Z’ book? Do you have interesting ‘Z’ words or facts for me?
“In times of unrest and in an unstable economy, it is very easy to let your attitude slip and begin feeling sorry for yourself. This is precisely when you want to practice healthy attitudinal rules to stay alert, alive and enthusiastic. Don’t ever lose the zest for life and life won’t lose its zest for you. Say something positive to every person you meet today.” – Bob Proctor
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Linking up to the April A to Z Blogging Challenge, and the Ultimate Blog Challenge (click on the images to learn more about these challenges)
You gotta love a blog that doesn’t leave you with a plethora of zzzzz’s.
Zest! I love lemon cake and we read a lot of Zola. And Alice loves Zoe the Zebra. And we use Zoom a lot to speak with family and friends.
I think integrating your A-Z Challenge with UBC was brilliant. Enjoyed reading many of your posts. Congratulations on completing both challenges!
I try to be Zestful but it doesn’t always work.
I love that you chose zest for Z! What an interesting post.
Congratulations on finding your alphabet! To be honest, I’m sad it’s over.
I’m not familiar with any of the Z books but CONGRATULATIONS on completing your A to Z and the Ultimate Blog Challenges!
Ha! “Definitely not a whole lot of nothing.” I liked the zest portion of this post, too. We are all challenged right now to choose everyday zest over the potential boredom of sameness.
Congrats on making it to the end of the alphabet.
Zest is also a brand of soap bar. It is not the one that advertised it could bring you back to life. That was Coast.
No, I have not read a Z book yet, but I really love your post.
I add lemon zest to so many recipes! Really punches some meals up. I guess I need to zest up more aspects of my life too.
Zero the Hero sounds fab. I love the cover too. Thanks for your Z list.
You put an extra zip into my morning. I love the sound of the zither in Dr. Zhiagao
This is such a unique challenge! I have found some lovely new reads through you posts, thank you!